Results for "not funny at all"

It’s not hunky dory….

Text from image:  From: Hunky Dory Email: Subject: Things that make you go hmmmm.... Spill It to Funny how her lawyers send all media outlets cease and desists but doesn't send one to The two cast mates who are ON RECORD ON CAMERA...

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Best of Bravo & Cocktails!

Here are the top 10 most read posts on Bravo & Cocktails! Check back from time to time, because we'll update it over time. We don't vote on these - we just look at the data to show which posts are the most popular with our readers. Click on the title of each to go...

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Bags of sugar!

I was getting my daughters hair cut this weekend and the hair dresser overheard my husband telling about T Rav cancelling their reservation at a restaurant (super fine dining) and that TRav was complaining that he still had to pay a fee since it was less than 24 hours...

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