Feuding or scheming?

From: Email: Subject: Feuding or scheming? Spill It to BravoandCocktails.com:Former besties who aren’t anymore on popular seasonal show. Sounds to me like their storylines were in question and they pulled a page out of another show (which is now cancelled) book. Why...

Broken besties…

From: Summer HouseEmail: fight@bravo.com Subject: Former besties Spill It to BravoandCocktails.com:So last night on wwhl you heard that fellow cast mates don’t think these former besties will EVER make up. Best friends know EVERYTHING about each other. This...

No apples?

From: Andy MoHenEmail: HeyItsAndy@BravoTV.com Subject: RHONY reboot changes… Spill It to BravoandCocktails.com:The new rebooted RHONY’s won’t hold apples… the legacy cast will. The new wives will hold statues of the Chrysler Building instead. –This e-mail was...

Sober and sexy…

From a source. Listening to the new pod now, and you’re talking about Gina from OC and how great she looks and she does! She is sober so that could be part of why she looks so healthy! Also if you notice during the WWHL bravocon taping, she does the shot ski. Her...

Working title…

From: Legacy HousewifeEmail: rhonylegacy@bravo.tv.com Subject: RHONY Legacy working titles Spill It to BravoandCocktails.com:Legacy has began discussions. The cast hasn’t been finalized nor has anyone been reached out too. The network are planning to either call the...