Baby here?

Just saw Brian Austen Green at cedars on the plaza level. Maybe the baby is here! Tried taking a pic, but it’s not that...

Randall exposed…a summary!

Today, a shocking exposé about Randall Emmett (Lala’s former fiancé and father of their daughter) was published in the Los Angeles Times, called The Man Who Played Hollywood. Here are some of the especially scandalous revelations from the article: Randall worked...

He knew it was coming….

From a reliable source: It’s telling that he hired Sitrick And Company. When you’re in trouble and you know it you hire them. They’re one of the biggest strategic crisis PR firms out there. Major a-listers use them in crisis...

She knew…

From: Anon AnonEmail: [email protected] Subject: She knew! Spill It to article that just came out? His ex fiancé knew about a lot of it. Turned a blind eye ? Maybe. Until she caught on to the financial side of it, then she had his cheating...