Final goodbyes?

Woke up to this email… do we think it’s true?! From: Bravo BoyEmail: [email protected] Subject: Final goodbyes Spill It to the self professed queen of her city, has been saying this Is her final season on NJ. She’s going to announce...

Bad medicine..

This doctor is the real botch job. He has, more than once, left surgery utensils IN people. Like sewed them up with a knife or scissors. Good news is, She’s got the receipts and she’s pissed. Times up for Dr....


Subject: Berks Spill It to’m in the Berkshires right now. I am staying at the Red Lion Inn where the girls visited. A staff member there told us that Dorinda is loved in these parts because she is generous and really values the history of the...

Just for show…

The only reason this west coast housewife is still with her boyfriend is for show. It’s well known that they don’t have a good relationship. If you ask her he’s the worst and isn’t nice to her. If you ask him she’s high maintenance and never happy. Regardless, she...