Subject: Berks
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I’m in the Berkshires right now. I am staying at the Red Lion Inn where the girls visited. A staff member there told us that Dorinda is loved in these parts because she is generous and really values the history of the area. BUT. No one was happy with the housewives being here. One in particular was SO rude to staff. Very demanding. She actually asked if there was something the town could do about the mosquitos. When told no, her response was “no wonder only libtards live here”.
Ps Dorindas driveway has become the K Turn capital of Berkshires bc everyone is trying to see her house (but can’t get past the huge decrepit gate).
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Bravo and Cocktails (
Lol gotta be Vicki who said libtards
Vicky won’t get a life saving vaccine, but is okay inhaling insecticides ?
Life saving? Have you seen the VAERS report on those? Killing and permanently knitting far more than it’s saving. I don’t like Vickie but she isn’t wrong on that one.
God you’re a moron.
Vicki had to have made the libtard comments
Gotta be Vicki or Ramona, 100%
Vicki the anti-vaxxing, MAGA moron
Clearly Vicky
Sounds like Vicky
Vicki “ I’m being nailed to the cross like Jesus was” Gunvalson
Vicki for certain.
Vicki. Has to be with the liberals comment.
The libtard comment is definitely Vickie. She was the only maga-maniac on the trip.
Mis. Vicki G! As crazy as she is…still makes for great reality TV.
Mis. Vicki G! As crazy as she is…still makes for great reality TV.
This has to be Vicky, right?
It’s gotta be Vicki right? I can’t picture anyone else saying libtards lol
As a townsperson my whole life, I can say some of this is true but some of it isn’t. Those of us that really live in the Berkshires don’t care to search for Dorinda’s house. It’s more of a tourist-thing to do.
That rude housewife sounds like vicki though.
I think the blind implies the K Turn lookers are tourists.
VICKI, where were you January 6?!?
Funny the request for mosquito removal sounds as much like Vicki as the Libtard comment
With that ungrateful attitude no wonder Dorinda was on edge.
I don’t like Vicki but they are a bunch of libtards. And the vaccine doesn’t save lives, libtard.
See yourself out, MAGA moron ?
If debbie downer had a picture, it’d be Vicki. Pathetic.
Vicki, how she is in need of some self-management and a reality check. This is one that I would be scared to be friends with. There is a darkness that will come out of her mouth and then its “I am sorry ok”!