From: Jersey Truth teller
Subject: Comes to her senses
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This Jersey flip flopper who is pretending not to understand why her friends are upset with her, will soon come to her senses when she realises a set up meeting at someone’s house is happening to bring her original friend down. She doesn’t attend which leaves the OG & her solider seething.. maybe she is a soldier after all.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Bravo and Cocktails (
Jackie? Fessler? This one is hard to decipher.
Obviously the last sentence is Tre and Jen
Messy Fessy?
Fessler getting set up by Tre and Jenn against Margaret – interesting
Fessler. Tre and her stump are trying to take down Marge.
Fessler? And I’m guessing Teresa and Jen were trying to take Marge?
Obviously Jackie, but who’s the original friend?
Dolo? And Tre and Jen A?
Fessler. She played herself.
Flipflopper-Jackie, og tre & Jen oh tre hopefully it’s your last szn
I don’t get it
Jen Kessler being used by Jen Ayden and Teresa to take Margaret down but sees the light
The flip flopper is Fessler … and the OG and her soldier are Teresa and Jen A.
And Marge and her soldiers are not trying to take Teresa down??
You never take a friend who plays both sides back. You can get along and play nice but you put them in a new box… they never go back in the friend box. They’re not trustworthy to either side. In my humble opinion.
Didn’t Marge meet Fessler from Siggy Flicker and she’s mad Fessler is talking to Tre? I’m sure Siggy was pissed her friend became bff with her “enemy” too. I like Fessler for the show but as a friend I wouldn’t trust her.