From: Truly Tea
Subject: Potomac 9 Cast
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Who are Stacey and Jassi?
Jacqueline and Mia’s friendship getting mended was honestly one of the best things about last season. I’m glad it stuck and that she’s back.
Also, I hope that someone has given the cast their marching orders that you MUST interact with everyone. I appreciate that Keiarna and Jacqueline are willing to talk to everyone. Glad to see that they are coming into/staying in the mix.
I thought Wendy was let go around the same time Robin was?
I really want to be excited about the next season of Potomac. But now I’m already bored. At the very least can we have a season that isn’t all people who dislike each other fighting about everything? I’ll take way less drama for a season where I believe that these women are friends who care about being friends and not just creating storylines to stay on the show.
Why do I have to endure Wendy for another season?????? 😫 She brings NOTHING to the show!
So Gross! I was was hoping they would have fired Wendy, I can’t stand her self righteous ass. #girlbye
Based on my IG stalking I’m wondering if it’s Stacey Rusch and Jassi Rideaux
Ahhhh noooo so sick of Wendy
The show needs Wendy. The network needs to do better by the educated talent. Justice for Candiace too, so happy she left on her own and it will be an expensive “drive back” for the network.