They’ll be at least one more year of VPR. Yes, I think we all agree the finale seemed like a series finale but it wasn’t. It’s business, look at the ratings. This isn’t to say there won’t be cast changes, that’s possible, but VPR will return after a filming pause!
Any word on Ariana?
I’m surprised it’s coming back. It was very boring this season. What are they going to talk about? They can’t keep milking the Scandaval forever I think everyone’s kinda over that story line at this point.
Quite honestly, after lasts nights’ episode, unless there’s a major change in cast, there’s no need for it to come back. Their behavior was disgusting, I’m tired of having Sandoval shoved down my throat. I’m tired of such an absolute classic textbook narcissist being given a platform to smooth it all over. It’s gross.
I wonder if production is seeing if the viewers will “miss them”? Feeling it out?
I won’t be holding my breath i want it to end just like it did with everyone scrambling for their last minute moments and Ariana leaving with her man to go to Applebees
I think of it did end, this would be a great ending. The show is hard to watch at this point. It seemed so produced this season. Sorry Lala, if you want to be in a super produced fake show….. be on a scripted show.
It needs to end. I know I am not alone with saying I am over Lala, Scheana and the Toms. They need to move away from reality television. LVP supports misogynistic behaviors and is losing credibility because of it. The scarlet letter spoke volumes of what a true douche Sandoval is. He will never change.
Sandoval will continue this behavior, well into his 70’’s; if he lives that long!!
After last night’s episode, if Lala’s back, I won’t watch. If she joins The Valley I’ll quit watching it too. She’s too be a hypocrite.
I certainly don’t watch to see someone have a baby. No thank-you to that. I would watch two women open a sandwich shop!
Please, please can it not be about Tom cheating?!?! Please! It has become too much! Every account and podcasts has talked about nothing but Tom cheating for over a year now!!
Honestly, if does come back, I won’t be watching. This season was so painful to watch, I can’t stomach most of the cast. Their behaviors towards Ariana was so hypocritical and cold hearted.
I would love a sandwich shop ark