Email:[email protected]
Subject: Very hurt
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This housewife is very hurt. The public posting of his new relationship after him publicly declaring they weren’t throwing in the towel is incredibly upsetting. Her mother in law posting about his new interest and how wonderful it is to spend time with her left her seething.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Bravo and Cocktails (
Is this really something she expects people to have sympathy about? She’s been alllll over with Morgan for the last year
I was shocked to see Mauricio in the post with his parents and potential new gf, However how hurt/ shocked can Kyle be? she’s still playing coy about Morgan and seen picking her up at the airport this week and out an about. Can’t have it both ways either.
Oh please for months she’s passively and aggressively pushed some sort of relationship with Morgan and then coyly being oh we’re friends *wink wink. How was Mo supposed to feel. These two are beyond thirsty for top headlines. Kyle is really coming in hot this season. Bored with her before the season even begins
Kyle and Mauricio
What’s he to do…wait until she’s done with her girlfriend?? 🙄
He’s on DWTS, talking to his dance partner, on-camera, about how his difficult home life adds to the pressure on him. Meanwhile, RHOBH premieres in one week and she is running around making sure to be photographed with her “friend.” Both feeling hurt? Doubt it. Both wanting publicity? YES!!
*** I mean, premieres in 2-1/2 weeks, not 1.
Over her before the season starts
I saw somewhere that the woman is dating is father! (Who looks just like him)
Zero sympathy for Kyle. She’s been parading around with Morgan for months now.
I can tell that I’m going to have to fast forward past the Kyle scenes this season. My gawd, is she insufferable!