From a source:
A quick public notice search reveals that this former housewife who recently sold boxes to fans that never arrived is facing foreclosure.
There will be an auction held on the 1st Tuesday in November. The home will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash before the courthouse door of Fulton County, Georgia.
Ms. Zolciak shouldn’t have spent so much on those scratch offs…
KZB. Damn that’s kind of sad but she’s been flaunting while living out their means for years. I feel bad for the younger ones
Kim Zolciak!! Wow !!
KZB duh!!! Her finances are wild and this is over a 300,000 loan they never paid back
There was something filed in early August….
I feel bad for her. I don’t like to see anyone going through financial struggles .. even Jax lol
kim z????
Karma’s a bitch Kim Z/B.
Kim Zolciak Bierman
Damn, Kim! Wish I lived closer to ATL because I wouldn’t be tardy for that pity party!
Damn who knew your own actions can also ask, believe and receive the karma you deserve?
Ask, believe, receive…. KARMA!
I feel sorry for the kids but not Kim or Kroy. They are pretentious and lived beyond their means. Curious to see how her narcississtic self will try and spin this, like the bank is staffed with “jealous haters”. Karma always comes knocking.
It’s on Zillow !!
What happened to all the job Kroy supposedly had…. Sad for the littles but they all live outside of their means.
Can someone post a link!
Can you share the link please!
How come nothing ever happened due to those boxes being fake?
That’s a week from tomorrow… have they been moving or anything?!
I’ll let y’all know how the auction goes. I have that day off and I live less than 45 minutes from them. She’s sold used clothes, lip oil, janky skin care, diet pills in liquid form, cheap swimwear, a box that never even existed, and spams Facebook with BS articles. How has she crumbled this bad? Maybe the trips to Arizona for a hair appointment have finally bit her in the ass.
Kim Z’s house is valued at over 2M and the only mortgage that has been taken out on it was for 300k. They only paid 800k. So if she and Kroy let it go into foreclosure instead of just selling and walking away with money in their pocket they would have to be extra stupid.
dont be tardy for the mortgage payment
Kroy could make money being a football commentator or coach-why isn’t he??
Always thought they lived high on the hog. Always thought Kim would bankrupt Kroy. How long will Kim stick around in the marriage without $$$.
There are far more qualified candidates out there with longer careers and stronger careers.
You had to blind to never see this coming! Let’s see how she’ll spin this.
This does not surprise many of us !! Kim has been living beyond her means and unfortuately has her family now suffer. When you spend crazy amounts of $$ on yourself (plastic surgery, Botox, nails, make-up, clothes etc…and so much more) PLUS encourage your girls to do this too…DID ANYONE LEARN HOW TO BUDGET or SAVE ??? $300,000 loan for re-doing this house apparently was never paid. What a waste !! I do feel sorry for her younger husband and boys. Guess they never thought the money would run out or the Sitcom would stop? Anyone living in a REAL WORLD ??? Seems like a lot of silly spending in vain to end up LOSING YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOME & ALSO TO LOSE RESPECT !!