Which housewives couple is this about…
He’s been cheating on her for years. His former assistant (whom I know of) set up hotels and viagra purchases. It’s known but they keep everything locked down. An attorney and payout was involved when she left her role as his assistant. It’s known in LA in VERY small circles. Yep rich man cheating syndrome. No one is immune. They keep up the prefect couple thing for all of their events, philanthropy, company, etc.
the dubrows ?
Kathy & Rick Hilton
Has to be the dubrows?
I mean I feel like this could be about anyone…but I’m gonna assume Mauricio?
DUH MO and Kyle. Hardly shocking!!
Kyle and mo!!
HD & TD?
Heather and Terry
I really hope it’s Kyle & Mauricio
Lisa/Ken because of the viagra.
The dubrows?? Wouldn’t be surprised
Dr. Dubrow
Kyle and Maurico
Ugh Dr. Dubrow
Feels like Kathy & Rick to me.
I doubt Mauricio needs viagra so I say the Dubrows
I’m going PK. I think if it was Mauricio – this would have been spilled way long time ago. Terry can prescribe his own viagra …. So that’s out. Kens an English horn dog….but I think he’s same as Mauricio – this would have been spilled long ago….so PK. With all his fake wealth….
I feel like this has got to be about Lisa and Ken with their events/business(es)/philanthropy, etc.
The Hiltons!
Comment says LA not OC so I doubt dubrows. My money is on Mauricio.
I just feel like if this was Terry he’s a doctor I’m sure he can get his own viagra!!
Terry is a Dr he can get his own blue pills and the Dubrows don’t live in LA, yet. Could be Crystal’s hubby movie people have plenty of assistants or Mau
The LA detail make me think Kyle and Mauricio
Rinna and harry?
Why am I the only one thinking about Rinna and Harry Hamlin???
I don’t think it’s Mauricio. His daughters work with him he couldn’t. It has to be Terry Dubrow. His wife is an Ice queen.
Harry isn’t doing a lot of movies that I can see. I don’t know if he would need an assistant AND have the money to rent all of these places. The post said, Rich man cheating syndrome.” They have money but he isn’t the first person that comes to mind given this quote. I think Kyle & Mauricio. Description could also fit Hilton, Vanderpump and Crystal. But would they have said Hollywood instead of LA if it was Crystal?
Monique and Chris Samuels
Dubros. Btw drs can’t prescribe themselves meds…highly illegal and u can lose your license to practice. He could get a close dr friend or PA to prescribe tho.
Rick & Kathy Hilton