Listen to episode 17 of the Cocktails and Gossip podcast here!

17. Alleged Drama Behind the Scenes of Carl and Lindsay’s Engagement; Housewife Unhinged; Exclusive Southern Charm Tea

RHOBH has taken a dark turn on and off the show and we don’t like it. Has Bravo HR been called about the repeated bullying of Sutton? We have a theory about how this season could end, featuring LVP. What’s the alleged drama behind the scenes of Carl and Lindsay’s engagement? More on a Summer House spin-off. RHOSLC blinds revealed and proven true! We discuss: what happened to Heather Gay’s eye and share some exclusive podcast-only tea about a Cocktailer’s encounter with a former Southern Charm star. Reluctantly we discuss Rachel/Rachelle/Raquel and Tom. Country Tea comes true – you heard it from us months ago! And we wrap with a laugh about Kelly Dodd accidentally promoting @bravoandcocktails_ .

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Episode 17 Transcript

B (

Come on. Bravo knows what they’re doing. Why are you filming them? If not to tease it out,


I am just feeling like, are we ending like a golden era of the housewife shows

Speaker 3


To cocktails and gossip, the podcast where we drink cocktails, but you better believe we’re gonna spill the tape. We shot reality TV, celebrity blinds, and the hottest tea from Bravo and And as always, it’s all alleged. And just for fun, we do not verify our blinds. I’m B


And I’m Amanda. Let’s get into this week’s team.

Speaker 4 (

Hey cocktails. It’s Amanda. So after a couple years of working out at home, I decided to join a gym again, not gonna lie. It has not always been really easy to make myself go. Especially if I’m sore from a previous workout, but social CBD has really helped me recover and get back to the gym on those sore days. So I love their topical creams and sticks when I’m feeling sore, I just swipe some on and then the pain is just kind of relieved. It’s just gone. So if there is kind of one isolated spot that’s bothering me, I will usually reach for the CBD muscle balm stick. If a large area of my body is sore, like my legs from a workout, I will usually grab the CBD muscle cream personally. My favorite is the lavender scent. So we have a special offer for cocktails for all social CBD products, anything for sleep, for stress or for recovery. If you use our code [email protected], you can get a buy one, get one free deal on any of their products. That is code gossip, G O S S I [email protected] for a buy one, get one free offer on any of their products, not just on their topicals, enjoy

I’m B


B and I’m Amanda. So I feel like we have no choice, but to start with everything Beverly Hills so much drama this week, starting with Garcelle’s 14 year old son, Jack’s getting attacked online.

You know, Amanda, this literally happened, right? I mean, you know, right after we finished recording last week with Larry, which was so much fun by the way, and we got so much positive feedback, make sure you take the listen. We love Larry. He’ll be back. So immediately after that this whole bot situation comes about and you know, it was quickly determined. It was bots. We, I, I start getting messages that Marcel’s son who I don’t follow him. I don’t follow a 14 year old boy’s Instagram, you know, which just had these really, really disturbing and, and racist comments on his Instagram post. Now he’s a freshman in high school, right? He’s a kid so quickly, it’s determined that they’re bots that they’re, they’re not real, but where is it coming from? So basically the internet sleuth and really there’s nobody better than Bravo fans because they get to the bottom, be it us accounts, be it viewers.

And the beautiful thing is when something like this happens as a community, we all come together. Like, yeah, we come together as, as with my followers accounts come together, you know, we’re messaging each other because I mean, we’re livid, we’re livid. We are like, who is doing this? You know, kids are always awful limits and they, and, and we say that and the wives certainly say it. And I think that Housewives do know. And, and whether you like a housewife or not, all of the, all of the ladies on our screens are good moms. Okay. And they parent differently. And they parent how they parent, but they are putting their family at a risk, putting them on TV. And I think that, you know, as a community, we try to respect the children. Right. I always say until you’re over 18 and start doing your own confessionals and picking up a check, I’m not mentioning anything negative about you.

Right. Right. So we see this. And, and also if you’re over 18 and you’re not involved and you’re not on my screen, I, I’m not mentioning you. I don’t mention’s son, because whatever his mother, his mother is, he has nothing to do with it. Right. So, so it’s quickly. And, and then we’re hearing that the call’s coming from inside that this is likely a cast member. Okay. Sending these messages. So, you know, here comes the scoop that some of the lady, okay, so Bravo post a statement, excuse me. And they post a generic statement in support of Jack’s. We find out that Bravo really encouraged. Well, I don’t even know if encourages the word they told the cast of Beverly Hills, you are reposting this. Okay. Mm-hmm <affirmative> now this is, what’s really upsetting. Some of the ladies did not want to repost it. I initially did not post this on our site because I really honestly refused to believe it. Amanda. I heard that. And I was like, this can’t be true. Well, the next thing you know, on’s repost. Somebody writes something like, oh, where was the support for you about your son when black live matter was happening? And she wrote exactly like, basically she said, exactly, this is nonsense that I had to post this. Okay. So she got it out there that they had to post it. I don’t know if it was the next day or hours later, Rena takes the post down.

She took the statement down. She said, it’s pointless. Everyone’s kids are attacked. So why should we have to share it? I’m sorry. But your daughter who both are over 21 now, but over 18 for a few years, your daughters who are very public figures who are models and who are in the industry themselves. Okay. Outside of Housewives, they date celebrities. They date models. They, whatever your daughters being, whatever talked about is not the same as a minor child in the ninth grade, being racially charged comments on his Instagram,


Like awful don’t even wanna think about them in my head. After reading them, give me chills, awful threatening, disgusting things being put on a 14 year old boy’s Instagram. I mean, it’s, it’s just beyond important to me, but you know, what is so confusing to me about Rena, she was actually the first one before Bravo came out to come out and say like, you have to stop. This is, you know, like, and I think, I can’t remember exactly how she put it and maybe she did put it in terms of like all the kids she did, but she called

Out. But honestly, at that point I didn’t take it. Like I took it like she was outraged by what happened to Jack’s. And she took that moment to also say like, leave our kids alone, which is fine. That’s fine. As long as we know that the intent was because of Jackson. And when did that cha it’s.


But then, then like, you know, the, then the fact that she took it down and like, I read her comment, she was like, I just pulled everything negative. I have a very edited Instagram feed and I pulled everything out. And I’m only keeping, you know, I only, I don’t want any negativity, but then the problem is Lisa is it looks petty and it looks, it just, it’s a bad look for you, no matter what you want your Instagram to look like you, the fact it makes it look like you don’t stand behind that statement anymore.

I agree. You know, and then, you know, we saw, then we see, I mean, so Amanda and something that you may not know because you don’t have an account and on Instagram guys, and you guys know this, like we do the pod, we do the website, but the Instagram is only me that like that sees the DMS and stuff. So apparently Rena has been reaching out to accounts. Okay. Smaller accounts, some large, some midsize, you know, but she is trying to get her version of events or like trying to spin narratives through them. Okay. She is blocking at, she doesn’t follow me. Okay. So she doesn’t need to not block me because I’m sure Finsta, a lot of these people don’t wanna follow. They have a fake account that it follows fine. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> she has blocked accounts. And I’m hearing that she asked accounts to do things and when they wouldn’t do them or they wouldn’t speak out against accounts, like in other words, she’s telling accounts, you know, speak out against. So, and so let’s say Bravo and cocktails, just as an example, not that she named me speak out against her or I’m gonna block you. So she ISPI not only is she spiraling what we’re seeing, she’s like involving Twitter accounts and Instagram accounts to push fake narratives or what she believes is the narrative like real unhinged.


Well, and whoever has hired these bots because it is, you know, for people who are not familiar with this, you can go, there are websites, you can go on that you literally will pay a certain amount of money for a certain amount of comments from, you know, these, these, you know, bot accounts, they look like a real person that, and then you, you know, you can type in like 10 different messages that you want them to type or to leave and who the targeted account is. And then you walk away and it gets done. So, you know, somebody has targeted a 14 year old boy with these and it not, not only are they targeting him, like they, whoever this is told the bots to leave racist, right. Messages like,

But this is the most unhinged. This is the most unhinged part about Rena’s spiral. She made a video basically saying, this is something production has done in the past. Like, okay. She said, did you ever watch Vanderpump rules? So she’s saying that production has planted stuff in social media for other shows, right. That became storylines. So she is turning around and saying that production hired bots to make racist comments. Now, Amanda, remember we got a lot of emails saying she’s not gonna be back. I don’t think even she is that crazy to say that, unless she really knows she’s not gonna be back. You blame production. That is a nail in a coffin. I don’t see how she comes back from that. You blame it’s, it’d be one thing. If it was the Lucy juicy thing you blame production for, right. It’s about a dog. This is about a boy. And it’s racist. Let’s just say it was just about a boy being bullied. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad racially bullied. I mean,


It’s a hate crime. It’s a

Hate crime. It’s a hate crime. And she’s blaming the network that employs her.


What I wanna understand is who is an authority who would look, can look into this, is this like an B cuz hate crimes are FBI. I think like, is, is there an authority looking into this? Cuz I would imagine it’s probably going to be traceable and somebody not just fans, but somebody with a badge can figure out who is behind this.

Well Garel is a very intelligent woman and I am certain she’s if it was my child, I would be doing that. So I am certain, she would, she, she, she I’m hope she is. She should. And whomever, this is should be very nervous and they are filming the reunion when this airs, it will be filming that week. So next week they’ll be filming the reunion. I think it may have got pushed back a week cuz it was supposed to be this week. And I don’t know, scheduling this and that, but maybe they’re trying to put out fires because this is about to, to get really real


Well, imagine, you know, you’re Garel right. And you’re like, okay, I know this is bots. And I know that this is bot behavior. However, somebody had to tell those bots what to say. Somebody is targeting a real person is targeting my child with racist. I mean 100% I would be calling whoever <laugh> right. The secret service I would be calling the CIA. I would be calling all of ’em until I could get somebody to, you know, take, look into the case and you know, make sure that my child is safe, cuz that has got to be in the back of her head, like who hired this? And do they actually have, you know, these disgusting racist views and these threatens these, the, the threatening behavior towards my child.

Well, and you know, initially when people were blaming cast members, the only name we heard was Diana, I’m not, I’m not, you know, I don’t know who hired. Obviously somebody hired them. I a hundred percent don’t believe it was production <laugh> but we don’t know who Diana’s being blamed. And Rena goes to bat, goes to bat. I mean Barry’s herself. Okay. Now we see Diana sent out all those cease and desist. She, I mean all seasoned people have been and I’m not gonna repeat the rumors cuz I don’t need a cease and desist. And that’s why guys, that’s why we do blinds. Cause if you don’t say the name right anyway, anyway, so people are getting cease and desist for rumors about Diana not to do with this attack. Okay. So Ren is rent is spitting out. And then in this week’s episode, cuz I mean this, this was a dark, I don’t remember a moment in Housewives history as dark as Marcel’s son’s attack. So then we tune in this week and Kyle decides to make a whole production of Garel and Sutton unfollowing, Erica, which was so ridiculous. And so pot stirring, and when Diana cuz Sutton goes, you care so much about this. I was called, see you next Tuesday at the reunion, nobody blinked. You care that I unfollowed her and Diana says, well you are a C next Tuesday says the word. And Erica jumps up laughing, hugging, and celebrating it. If you look at fir


Ling cackling, she’s just like evil witch Ling and

Nobody. The only one who said you can’t say that, don’t say that is Garel. Some people look shocked. Some people looked away, Rena kind of gave a Grimes and then like put her head down. Cuz like, I don’t know. She should, she should do that. Why is Erica so obsessed with Diana? Does she think maybe she’s gonna like give her a million bucks if she <laugh>.


I mean maybe I don’t. Yeah. I was gonna say something that could get us in trouble. So I’m not gonna say that, but no. I mean, and again, like, you know, or maybe she thinks she she’ll throw her some, some more of her like hand me down. Yeah.


And then she’s like, I’ve been to Aspen a million times. I flew on my own, my own. PJ’s like, she’s so obsessed with this elite life that she no longer has and will never have again, she did win the 5 million. Well, she didn’t win. She was found not guilty of the 5 million lawsuit. So she’s celebrating that online. All of a sudden, the LA times is reputable. What they post a verdict in her favor. It’s a reputable and, and what did we see? Rena do


Posted it. Right? She reposted it. I called

Sutton a.


Oh my God. And okay. I do wanna talk back about Sutton for a second because this, this scene, when they’re sitting in Kyle’s living, I’m just like my mouth. I watched it again the next day. Cause I was like, I need, I just need to see all the subtly use of everybody’s faces and like see what was really see if I can really figure out what was really happening in there. Because at this point I’m like, okay, this happens, Erica laughs. When Diana uses the C word and I’m like, okay, this has been vicious. We have seen set and apologize multiple times. And like, I, I think at this point I’m like I, if I were behind the camera <laugh> and I was watching the same person get bullied every single day, day in, day out, viciously bullied at what point? And I would, I start to be like, I feel complicit in this too.


Right? I am behind the camera. We are letting this happen. At what point is production responsible for letting this crap continue? And so that is where I just am. Like, I, I believe that, you know, production has been calling for re to go because they are probably like, I can’t watch this anymore. I feel a part of this mm-hmm <affirmative> and I’m just behind this camera. The other thing I was gonna say about that too is, you know, we actually have gotten quite a few emails about that. And we also got that email. If you remember that somebody has made HR complaints to Bravo mm-hmm <affirmative> so I’m like, this makes sense. Mm. Right. Somebody behind the camera is like, or somebody in the room is like enough. This is gotta stop.

Wow. To that point, Amanda, we’re gonna circle all the way back around because we have some, you know, by the time this comes out, it won’t be as breaking, but it’s breaking for us cuz it just <laugh>. It just happened. You know, we’re a couple days behind, but we, we keep getting and we posted that LVP. There are rumors that she may come back. Okay. Now all of this spiraling, all of these women, I mean, Kyle is seen in a terrible light right now. She is. I mean last week, how she stirred that and then sat back while Sutton was called to see you next Tuesday,


She left that in her living room. I am so sorry to interrupt, but I am like if I had one guest go after another guest at my house, I would be like, no way. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> you cannot talk to our friends that way you need to like go on a walk or maybe you need to go home and take a gummy and chill. Yeah.

So that ha <laugh> so that happened. So we get these and again guys, we don’t always know I get this stuff and I about Lisa coming back and you know, sometimes I do hesitate to put it out there. Right. Because something like Vanderpump coming back is for fetched. Is it impossible? Of course not. Right. So today with all of the spiraling happen happening, I said, you know what? I’m posting that, cuz this is a possibility now for me, it’s working out that it can be a possibility. I swear to you and you have all now seen the picture that I just posted. I not five minutes after I posted the LVP, do I get a picture of Garel filming with Lisa Vanderpump at I’m sure it’s in Vegas. Right? Because Marcel’s son works there. Now. Here’s what I have to say about that. When a housewife, Rena <laugh> thinks she’s bigger than a show, the networks, the network might just flex their muscles, picture it Amanda, where last episode or the reunion and we pan to Garel and LVP at a table. TA da,


I mean, yeah. Can you imagine what a dramatic thing that would be like? They, they, you know, you see all the little, like, this is what’s happening in this person’s life on the screen, you know, on the like freeze shot. Like they always do on the finale. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> but it doesn’t end there B, B BA I mean, and listen, that would be good.


You know, the, the other side of it is that yes, Oliver Marcel’s grown up son grown up, be like I said that, well, you know, he’s in his twenties. Yeah. He does work for Lisa. So of course, and Garel and Lisa have a friendship, Lisa Vanderpump. So of course it could be for that. But come on, Bravo knows what they’re doing. Why are you filming them? If not to tease it out.


I am just feeling like, are we ending like a golden era of the housewife shows? Like, I mean like, do we know so much about what’s happening during the show? Or are the women just full on putting on history ons because they think it’s gonna make good TV. Like, I mean like, look at what’s happened with OC. Like I am just starting to

Fall. No, no. Well, I think to your point about OC, I think that Bravo was learning that they have to pivot. And I think, think they’re learning when, and I think that they’re not gonna let my gut and this is just my gut. My gut is Rena is gone because they can’t allow this. The Garel saw that whole. I’m not saying she did it, but the way she acted online and accusing production of hiring bots, they can’t allow that. I am sorry. As a viewer, even suggesting that production would hire would be like would hire bots to attack a minor child is enough to make me turn off the network. So they can’t stand for that.


Yeah. They

Can’t allow her to think that she is above just everything and she could just make up stories. Like it’s a soap opera. Like it stays of our lives.


I think she could just be like, just burning everything down, you know, as she’s leaving the building

And that’s my feeling. So that that’s my feeling. I, I can’t imagine that she would do this if she wasn’t leaving the building and oh, what sweet revenge for Lisa to just Vander pump. Just to roll back on the scene. I am here for that.


All of us are. I, I think everybody, I mean, I, I know you’re doing a lot of these polls, but there’s, I think generally very few people who say they don’t want her back.

Oh, very few. And even people who maybe didn’t want her back initially now, or like bring her back and can you imagine it would even it out, right? So you’d have Lisa you’d have Sutton. You’d have Garel now don’t forget. I very much feel that Dore would jump over to Garel and Sutton. But with van pump there, Uhuh, that’s not gonna be an option, honey. So then you have Dore, Erica and Kyle. Yeah. And then hanging in the balance are Kathy Hilton who may or may not return crystal who we know may or may not return and Renna just gone. So that that’s how, if on production, that’s what I’m, that’s what I’m playing out.


Well, we, I saw that. I can’t remember who posted this one, but there was a video of Kyle looked like she was on, on a bus




Yes. And they were asking her if she was coming back and you could just tell, like she got really annoyed and like would not answer the

Question. She doesn’t wanna be back on a screen with Vander pump, but she doesn’t wanna give it up either. So


It’ll be interesting. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> we’ll see, we’ll change it in the subject. Let’s talk about summer house. Cuz some big news happened this week. Yes.

Very exciting news. We have congratulations going out to Lindsay and Kyle, we got the Carl. Oh my God.



Your names are too similar. Whatever Lindsay came Carl,

I was so happy. Well I know you were too. We texted you when we got that email. Yeah. And I was like, oh my God. And I posted it. And I actually, that was one where I changed the names because I didn’t realize it was gonna come out so quickly. And I was like, ah, I kind of felt like, ah, I’m gonna spoil this or whatever. But then the person who sent it to me actually said to me, they have a people exclusive tomorrow. So I felt like it’s not something that I’m really spoiling because they have a people exclusive in a couple hours and yeah. And we saw video footage and the ring is gorgeous. Did you see the ring?



Just beautiful. And they look so happy. I mean, Lindsay looks so happy. The best she’s ever looked. Both of them.






Love looks good on them both. Yes,

It really does. And I think, I think the general consensus is that the audience, the fans are very, very happy. The fans have questions, Amanda.

Amanda (

Well, I am a fan and I have questions for you. <Laugh> guys. So B texts me this, I don’t know a few days ago. And she’s like, I have tea and like won’t tell me. So she’s like, I’m gonna save it for, save it for Friday when we record. So I’m hearing it now when you guys do,

I have to be honest. So it’s, it’s hard because sometimes you get stuff and when you like the people, right. It’s much easier when I dislike a housewife or I think that they really messed up. Like in the case of Rena, I think she really messed up. It’s very easy to talk about. Right. But when you like people, like I like Lindsay, right? I like Danielle. I love their friendship. So when I get stuff and again, it doesn’t mean it’s true. Right. Anybody could write in, we know that. We’ll see it. If it is true. So what I’m hearing people are like, why hasn’t Danielle congratulated. Now we, I said last week when Larry was on, I was like, did you guys notice? Like she didn’t post for her birthday. So I knew there was something, but I didn’t listen. But then I saw a story and they were dancing together.

B (

It looked like figured it was no big deal. Okay. Well there was some sort of falling out again. Doesn’t mean they’ll never be friends again. Of course not. They’re in a summer house. The dynamic changes every summer Lindsay being remember, they were like the three Musketeers and now Lindsay and Carl are in a relationship. Danielle’s also in a relationship. Her boyfriend’s a chef. He works a lot. So I guess it’s not as fun to third wheel when they’re like actually a couple. Right? So what I’m hearing is that for a variety of reasons, Danielle is hanging out with the other girls. Obviously one of those reasons is, I mean, it’s good to hear that they clearly patch stuff up because if they’re all hanging, they’ve patched stuff up. So we like that. And like, if Lindsay’s acting like she just wants to be with Carl, which again, I’m not necessarily, I’m not right, Amanda.

Like we’re not faulting her. She’s in the honeymoon stage. It’s just about a year. Right. You know, so we get it. But apparently Lindsay feels like Danielle hanging with the other girls is a portrayal. That’s what I’m hearing. I don’t, you know, I, I don’t have this, this isn’t fact checked, this is what I’m hearing now. A word from our sponsor. Better help cocktails. I wanna talk to you about our newest sponsor. Better help. You’ve heard us say that while we love the podcast and the website. We often find ourselves stressed with so much on our plate. Better help was listening because they reached out and offered to sponsor our podcast. It’s that time of year again, summer’s over. And the busy school year is about to be in full swing. As a working mom with school-aged children. This means school drop offs, pickups, and all the various sports and extracurricular activities that my kids are active in.

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Well, it feels like I, I can imagine too, right. Cuz Danielle and Lindsay would go out. They would always team up. But then now if Danielle is the odd person out, right, right. Because I’m guessing Lindsay and Carl are sharing a room in the house and, and you know, what is Danielle supposed to hang out by herself? Like, no, but then I can see Lindsay being like, oh, you went out with, with, you know, so and so, or you went to lunch without me. Right. Or, you know, whatever. I could see there just being tension there and not feeling really, really difficult and causing and causing some issues. So


Yeah. And I think right. And I think that it’s a natural thing for Lindsay to feel left out, like picture there at breakfast in the morning. And because Danielle went out with the girls the night before, there’s a couple inside jokes. Right, right. We’ve all been there and right. Friendships do evolve and change. When people get coupled up, it happens to all of us. But I feel like at this moment, there’s a little bit of bad blood there. So I guess we’re gonna have to see in what way. And you know, we did say that we had heard there was beef between a very close, you know, friendship. So I would guess this is the friendship. I think it’s been going on all summer. They’re really not speaking right now. Like Danielle did like the post of the engagement, but not a word, not a comment.

Forget about even a post of her own story. Not a comment there’s beef there. I do hear there’s a little hitting below the belt as far as Danielle being like, and you don’t even work. Like you just go with him everywhere with lover. Boy. I like to see like Robert I’m calling him Kyle again and Carl <laugh> and Carl’s like input on this. Right. Because like, yes, Robert’s working a lot, but like what’s Robert’s opinion on it. Like, is he like when he gets there, is he like, you know, Danielle they’re just in a relationship or is he like, you know, screw Lindsay, she’s being a to you. And like, what are the dynamic between Carl and Robert then? I don’t know. It’s gonna be very interesting cuz there’s no way, like there’s no way that Lindsay is going to be able to hide this. And I think unfortunately the narrative is gonna look bad for her because Danielle has always been the level headed, very supportive good friend. So while people can appreciate that, she’s happy. And in love girl code, you don’t just drop your friend like a hot potato.


Well, and generally too, Danielle’s been very involved in like helping with that kind of stuff. So like, do we know if she was involved? Like in like the setup for the engagement?

No. As a matter of fact. So this is the other thing that I heard. And again guys, rumors, rumors, alleged, apparently Danielle didn’t know what was happening and other housemates did. I don’t know who exactly did gonna go ahead and assume it was like probably Kyle and Amanda, maybe others mm-hmm <affirmative> so rightfully so she freaked out apparently because she was like what the F this is happening and it’s my best friend. And I don’t know. I mean, they’re both her close friends and you know, she was very angry. I’m sure there were cocktails flowing and there was a lot of like, oh, this is happening for TV. Everyone knows it. I guess. We’ll see. I can’t imagine they’re not gonna air that. If that was said,


You know, I do think it was probably for TV, but I do think it’s like, I think we’ve all seen it coming that they were gonna get engaged. Right. So why not do it for TV? I just, you know, I can’t help but wonder like I think Lindsay makes great TV, but I’ve always wondered. I’m like, what would I like to be her friend? Like it would the TV just be on the Lindsay channel all day. Like it comes off that way on the show. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> a little bit. Yeah. And so, you know, maybe there’s just like a little bit of like Danielle saying like friendship is a two way street and you know, we need to have the TV on other channels sometimes too. Well,

The way I saw it was, I never really saw Lindsay as the sort of girl. And, and, and we’ve seen, this is, this is not a revelation. We’ve all watched it. Right. As a sort of girl who has a group of friends, she has acquaintances that are girls, but I did like picture, like there are some girls and we all know them. I’m not one of them. I’m like a girls girl, but there are some girls who have their bestie and they don’t have this huge group that they’re very tight with, but they’re tight with their bestie through and through boyfriend, no boyfriend. And I kind of saw her this way. So I am surprised to hear this kind of stuff. I mean, there is truth to it, guys. We haven’t seen Danielle post something is going on there and it’s gotta be just a little bit bigger than her being a little peeved that she was left out.

I mean, we’re not dumb here. So we are gonna see all this. I think that I agree about the Lindsay show. Ah, and now it becomes a thing because the other girls already, I mean, Paige, wasn’t hot on Lindsay to begin with. So no, this is all gonna, it sounds like, you know, Lindsay and Carl and they’re okay with Kyle and Amanda, we saw Kyle celebrating with them on like an Insta story. And we saw Amanda, right? Let’s go. Even though she didn’t post for her individually, let’s go about the engagement post. So we’re gonna see that. And it’s gonna become the thing where like, oh, now that she’s with this guy, it’s all about whatever. But I wanna say something. People are like, oh, it’s for TV. They say the same about Paige and Craig guys let’s be realistic. This is their livelihood. They are reality.


Television stars, both the hub house and CRO <laugh> are reality couples. It would be foolish and economically stupid to not capitalize on this. You’re not gonna have the camera on you forever. You know, is the hope that they’re gonna get a spinoff. Obviously. Do I think that Lindsay’s gonna get her own spinoff? I don’t know. I mean, she’s, she seems to be pretty in with production and she’s got her PR company and she’s been able to get a lot so far. So perhaps, but I say all that to say who isn’t taking the people exclusive, Amanda, who isn’t filming it, if it’s gonna happen anyway, are they only getting married because they’re on TV. Obviously that would be insane. They’re not Jennifer Lopez


Then <laugh>, they’re not just together. I mean, did you ever in your single days, like go out like on a date and you’re like trying to get out there as fast as possible? Like yeah. I don’t do that with somebody with your whole life, if you don’t legitimately like, and love them as a person, like there’s nobody other than, well, I can think of one first lady <laugh> who anyway, nobody wants to, you know, marry somebody just for optics. It just, yeah.


Well, and to that point, neither none of these parties involved are so wealthy that it would be like to their benefit from a perspective of like, okay, I’m gonna marry them. I’m gonna get millions of dollars in the prenup. Like that’s not happening with these two couples. Right. So it’s obviously real relationships. And I just find that whole narrative stupid. Like why would you keep it off TV? And you know, Danielle is a different person, right? She isn’t as she’s obviously on TV, but you know, Robert isn’t, I could see her doing an engagement and us just seeing a picture of it. Maybe it won’t be filmed. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> is she turning down a people exclusive of pictures in her and Robert when she’s launching an app and all these things? No, she’s not,


Not as she’s smart. Right? So the summer house, we have some news about a spinoff. We had talked a little bit about this before and now we’re hearing more.

I got, I got like a little, I would assume based on how it’s word, it’s like the intro, right. To what the spinoff will be. And it says Bravo’s hit franchise summer house returns with a new spinoff summer house. Martha’s vineyard. This reality series features the franchise’s first, all African American cast and franchise. So somebody was saying, there’s another show with this franchise. Meaning that summer house, right? The way that Housewives. Okay. So just to clarify that for people set in the new England idyllic island, I’m probably saying that wrong crucify me later of Martha’s vineyard. These friends will show exactly what happens when you mix big personalities, a bit of history and plenty of sun in the sand. And if you head to bra and, you will see pictures of some very glamorous looking ladies and some very handsome looking fellas. I like the one with his shirt off and it looks like the guy in the middles with a football. So is he a pro athlete? I don’t know. There’s no names and it’s kind of a blur picture, so I can’t make it out, but they would’ve had to film. They would’ve had to film. I mean, I wasn’t given details beyond that, but they would’ve had to already film. They’re not gonna have a cast photo for something that’s filming next summer. So


No month of August, I bet.


Yes. Month of August. And I think, I think we’re gonna see this 20, 23, like maybe January-ish I think, I mean, you know, we’re guesstimating guys, but it’s coming, maybe


Regular summer house will lead off. Like they like do like to do that. Right? Like first we, the first, you know, like we get a first few weeks of summer house and then they introduce summer, summer house Martha’s vineyard and it comes on right after summer house. I’m betting.



Let’s that’s our prediction. Let’s see what happened. So on other and by the way, it totally sounds like somebody from Bravo send that into us. So Hey, Bravo, like send us everything you want. Like we’re, we’re happy to share it with the cocktails.

<Laugh> please, please. And like, if there’s certain things you don’t want me to include, I won’t. Yeah. Email me. We broke. We broker deals all day long


<Laugh> we sure do. So at the end of the day, while we might talk some, like we are Bravo fans, so we’re Bravo


Fans, speaking of, but we listen, you know, and the thing is is I get it like the reality stars, like, as I pointed out that I like, they do get mad at me when I say stuff. But the thing is if I wasn’t talking or if we weren’t collectively right. As a community, if we weren’t talking about you, you wouldn’t be as relevant. So don’t get so mad, you know, are times I’m gonna have to fill some stuff. Right.


Indifference, worse than dislike.

I forget. Yes. Apathy is like the worst. Yes. Just not caring.


Exactly. But also speaking of other Bravo stuff, the salt lake city trailer




Dropped like a bomb this week.

I mean, I was just, first of all, I love the setting. I always love like the snow capped behind. I’m not getting over that. I think I like it. And I like the Dubai with the sand. I think I like salt lake city better. There’s something about it that makes me wanna like make a hot toddie and like, <laugh> put on a, like, you know what I mean? Like a cozy outfit and curl up


You, right? I mean, if you haven’t been to Utah, it is, it is stunningly beautiful. They do a lot of their filming like up in park city. I think that’s where that is where I’ve been to Meredith store there before in the town of park city. But anyway, the trailer tells us there are, I know what was it? Three different lines that we posted a long time ago on the site that came

True back in March, I


Think back in March mm-hmm <affirmative> so we had the one about the being the, the full-time Housewives, that there were no new full-time or that we had the OGs and that we had the new three new women. So forget just


As friends,


Remember all their names. Yeah.

It’s Angie Harrington, right? It’s yes. Who was on last season? It’s the new Angie and then the other girl. I can’t think of it right now, but she’s the one screaming at Jen.


Yes. Yeah. The one who was like call kind of calling Jen out, which


Was another blind we had that basically the friends of were told, listen, the OGs, this is a blind on the site. I can repost it for you guys. Basically production was like, listen, the OGs aren’t coming for Jen. They all feel like, you know, she’s been beaten down enough by this case they’re backing off. So these girls were told to bring it up and bring it. We’re not, we’re not having an Erica Jane where no one’s talking about it. Or one person you girls are gonna, your job is to talk about this. So we’ll see that, which we posted. And then the last one is about the not Angie Harrington. The other Angie is a salon owner. And we were told that she was gonna be a friend of, and she is so ding, ding, ding


Ha Taylors. It’s Amanda. I know you’ve heard us talk about Tinsley Allison designs before, but have you checked out their new stuff? They are making sustainable and unique jewelry by taking parts of bags and luggage and making darling necklaces, earrings, and other beautiful items. I personally have my eye on the necklace that they have made that uses the locking feature from a Louis Vuitton bag. It is so cute and I love that it’s sustainable. The folks at Tinsley Allison designs are also cocktails and they want to offer all of us a special deal. So use code Bravo to get 25% off on anything on the [email protected]. That’s 25% off [email protected] use code Bravo. And this is just for our cocktails community. Enjoy.


Yeah. And okay, so let’s just talk about the black eye for a second. So Heather very dramatically puts her sunglasses down while the trailer makes it look like it was Whitney. I, I mean, I spent most of my late night, last night going down the rabbit hole and you know, what’s so funny is when you Google something like before you can even finish the sentence of a lot of other people are searching for that. It just will automatically populate. So I’m searching what happened to Heather’s eye. And like before I could even finish the word Heather, it was like, so clearly people are wanting to know. So according to an online blog, it said that it was not Whitney, even though the trailer makes it look like that, that one of Heather’s friends who was with her in salt lake city, they slipped on ice.

Yeah. I mean, and I love Heather and I think she’s gonna do it. Like she knows what she’s doing. She pulled it down for that dramatic effect. If Whitney attacked her and gave her a black eye, which we do know there was a falling out and the way that, and we don’t know the context of when Heather shoved her, I have to imagine that they were still friends at that point. Cuz if they weren’t, it would’ve, it would’ve, it it’s different if like me and Amanda are somewhere and like, I’m going to go to yell at somebody and I push Amanda out of the way. But if me and Amanda, aren’t speaking and we’re not fr right. It’s a different context. Right. But that was shocking. And we do know they fall out. We would have heard if Whitney punched Heather in the eye, I refused to believe they could keep that under wraps.


<Laugh> yeah. And I think, honestly, I think Heather’s kind of playing along with it. There was that hilarious meme about you have two choices to either not be able to watch Bravo shows for the rest of your life or poke your left eye out. <Laugh> it’s a picture of her. I love it. I was dying, laughing, and Heather, we posted it. So she’s clearly playing along with it.

And you know, and it’s funny cuz when I posted this a lot of the comments where thanks Heather for the tea. I, I can’t say who sent it to me. It was not Heather if she told someone to send it whatever, but I can tell you and I, I know you saw it and for those of you that didn’t, Heather is upgrading her digs. She bought in almost 3 million. So it was like 2.8 million gorgeous home in, I guess, park city. I don’t know, salt lake city and six bedrooms, six baths, sprawling. I mean really, I, I only share the picture of the front. I didn’t wanna, you know, I don’t share the address. I didn’t wanna share inside pictures cuz I don’t know if it’s centered, whatever, but


Good for you girl. It is a beautiful house and she deserves and she, she deserves the happiness and you know

What somebody said, somebody pointed out, which I think is a really great point that Heather’s ex-husband is very wealthy. So I mean they have three kids together. They were all minors when they split. So clearly she was given great alimony, great whatever. And what she did with that rather than sit by the big house and sit home and live off of it is that she bought a modest home and she opened a business that became very successful and more so when she joined a show and, and her husband, her ex-husband comes on the show and it’s always nice to see a good co-parenting Amoco divorce, which they very clearly have. And then she upgraded her digs once she earned the money. And that is the type of stuff that I like to see.


I agree. I agree. Maybe we get to see the inside of it during the show too. Cause it looks like it’s

Gorgeous. It does. And then I didn’t post this yet. So right now it’s exclusive. I may post it. I may not. We’ll see how I’m feeling. Speaking of houses, Amanda, this is entitled his own townhouse. So apparently a salt lake city husband just bought a townhouse nearby in our neighborhood. This, and then in parentheses, this is T from a male customer of hours who literally could care less about salt lake city. He said this because he got beat out on buying the property by the husbands, the only husband this could make sense for is coach. The neighborhood has easy access to the university of Utah.


Interesting. I mean it would make sense that he needs a new place to live. We also had that blind a little, little bit ago that they weren’t living together, that Jen was living with a female friend and this would make sense, you know, I mean, coach is gonna have to like, he’s gotta start thinking about the future football season is gonna be the craziest time and that’s, isn’t she going? Like, doesn’t she get her like final sentencing in like October or something?


Honestly, I really, I think so. I don’t remember. Right. I have a, a bad memory. I


Think if something happens, something significant happens and we know that she is, I mean she pled



So she’s doing time. She’s doing time, right? Yeah. So that all clocks for me because like with football season being so busy, he’s like, he’s probably like I have to get this handled, you know? Well, before the, the school year starts and I need to make a home and have a place for our boys and, you know, make things as, you know, make things as smooth as, you know, they won, they can’t possibly be smooth, but anything that he can do right. To add stability for the boys, I’m sure that he’s, he’s trying to do so it, it, you know, it, whether or not he and Jen are in a good place, it would make sense to me that he would do that. It would be in his name. You know, I read somewhere that he makes like 400 K a year. So he would have the means to, to, you know, on his own right. To

Get a nice townhouse


To buy something. So,

And I just wonder if she’s living, if, if it’s true that she was living with a friend, do we see any of that? Do we see a fracture in the marriage? I, I think not. I think she’s got enough going on. And like, even from a production standpoint, how much can you put on a person? You know what I mean?


Right, right.

And, and sad. I read and I reposted all this stuff that she said and like, you know, she said, she knew what she was doing. She knew there was very little value to the product. She knew she was taking advantage of people who were more gullible. They were older. They were this, they were that. So it’s just, you know, it’s it’s, is it enjoyable to watch somebody go down in flames like that? I mean, you know, we did it with there, but with there it was a short, shorter stint. And then we got to see her rise from the ashes and it was different. This is, this is heavier. I think it’s going to be longer. I think it’s gonna be a long time. I dunno.


I think I didn’t somebody say 11 years is what they, what they are estimating. I mean, you know, I agree. Nobody wants to like, you know, pull out the popcorn while somebody is going down in flames. But I am very interested just to watch what happens because you know, Jen was like, I’m innocent, I’m innocent. I’m innocent to the world. Right. But to her friends too, and lied straight to their faces to the point where even Meredith the night before Jen goes in and pleads guilty with that surprise appearance says innocent until proven guilty. And so, so that’s happened. And then Jen comes



Right. And then she like has been lying to her. Friend’s faces. So like, I just struggle a little bit with like, I would, how I would handle that. Right. Cause you still have the things that you like about your friend, but you’re also that they lied to you.

And you know, we’re still seeing Jen and Meredith through the smiley and the hearts on each other’s posts. So, you know, this, this show is interesting because it’s very Alliance based like compare it to Beverly Hills, but the alliances will switch on you mid season. Right. We saw that with Lisa and Meredith last season, we’re gonna see that with Heather and Whitney, this season, I’m hearing that Whitney actually, and Lisa Barlow are like, mm-hmm, <affirmative> a team. And so, you know, listen, I think what Meredith says to tie it up with a bow at the reunion is I always felt she was guilty. It came to a point where I forgave her as my friend and I figured the court will do what they’re gonna do. Like she’s gonna go that way. The court will do what they’re gonna do. And you know, I always knew it and it took me a long road to accept it. But you know, I’m able to be friends with her and not something like that, you know, it’s gonna be some spin like that.


Yeah. I mean, I don’t know. Yeah. I just that’s. Yes. I think you’re

Right. I’m excited. I’m very ready. I’m very ready for salt lake city.


Me too. I agree. It feels like it’s like, you know, beginning of the school year and time to get some new Housewives on our screen.

B (

I just picture myself with a hot tidy dressed warmly.


Oh my gosh. We should go.

We gotta get a good hot ti. Yes. We gotta get a good hot tidy recipe and post it. Then we can all drink it together from your night.


Oh, I have also have a friend. It was a very good mold wine recipe too. Oh, so yes, let’s do it. Yes. We need to go to Utah and just go see all these places cuz you’ll be like, I never,

I wanna go my beautiful.


It is just absolutely.

I wanna get like all the ski gear. Not that I’m gonna ski Amanda, but when I’m drinking my hot TA in the ski lodge, I wanna look really cute.


You have to look cute for Aubrey <laugh>. Yeah. Okay. So we got the craziest email about Southern charm. First of


All, you got this email, like I didn’t see it cuz I was busy and you text me and you were like, stop what you’re doing right now. <Laugh>


Oh my gosh. So guys, we’re gonna only talk about this on the podcast. We’re gonna leave this as a podcast. Exclusive B why don’t you read it?


Okay. Thanks a lot from, I just wanted a margarita subject and maybe a few tacos too email. Okay. You ready? I was at a restaurant in Denver last night. It’s kind of an institution here, a Mexican restaurant, but a nice one with white tablecloths. Definitely the kind of place you take your family. Okay. We blocked out the name. It’s a guy who used to be on Southern charm. Was there having dinner with some other guy? I don’t, I didn’t recognize my friend dared me to go say hi. So I went up to his table and told him I enjoyed the show and he pulled his penis out, like in the wide open at a family restaurant. This was not a club or a bar or anything like that. I immediately turned bright red and ran back to my table. His friend seemed very embarrassed too.


Oh my God.


We can all guess who this is by the way.


Can you imagine you’re out to dinner with your kids and you, and you see this happen? I mean, I


Mean it’s so gross. It’s so gross. It’s so gross. It’s so gross.


It’s you’re like getting your, you know, check for your $250 meal or whatever it is and with your kids and you look over and a guy has his ping dog out.


I have received so much in the DMS and you know, we see the emails about this guy and about how he hits on young women. I mean like young women and he’s old and he hits on young women when he is out. And he’s like very like his pickup lines are like crude and like I’ve heard all of that kind of, I don’t even post it because he’s not on the show. And like how much of that kind of stuff. It’s like the Jack stuff every week, I’ve got like five things about Jack’s flirting and Jack that that’s like, how many times can I post it? We know right. So, but this, this, this, this is whipping it out. This, this is, this is flashing somebody and you’re not on a, you’re not in an alleyway. You are in a very busy Mexican restaurant in a premier area of Denver.


<Laugh> oh my gosh, dear cocktail. I’m so sorry for your traumatic experience, but thank you for sharing it with us because it made for some good exclusive tea, but gross.

And you know, speaking of Southern charm, we see, Craig’s says to Shep in this week’s episode, right. This drops on Thursday. So it’s airing tonight. Craig says the gossip website posted about you being on Rya RIA. For those that don’t know is an exclusive dating website, right? So it’s like or whatever. That’s probably very outdated. I don’t know for either wealthy or public or, you know, like famous people. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> so

One of my followers messages me, they’re like, oh my God. I wonder like, if he’s going to like say your actual name, I don’t think so. I haven’t heard that. I, I, I don’t think so, but, so I Google R and sure enough, we did post it a long time ago. <Laugh> mm-hmm <affirmative> and, you know, we basically said that somebody sent to us that he still had an active profile and it looks to me like he didn’t wanna take it down based on what we saw so far, I guess tonight we’ll, we’ll see, was airing tonight and tonight we’ll see, you know, cuz sometimes editing makes it look like that, but he really like, basically it looked like he didn’t wanna take it down. I can’t imagine. Especially I just, and now in real time we’re seeing that him and Taylor are posting together and


Yeah, this just this morning. Yeah. Like they posted something where they were out bowling together and all in a picture together. And it was like a small group, like six or seven people.


What did you think quickly? Cause I, you know, I don’t wanna go too into it cuz there’s not that much to say about it, to be honest with you. But what did you think about the Naomi and Paige conversation at Friendsgiving?


I mean, I was like at first I’m like, holy, Paige can be kind of scary. Like if I asked another girl to talk and she responded, I don’t know what we possibly have to talk about, but okay. <Laugh> be like, OK.


Honestly I relate to that very much because I would have that exact response. If I were Paige, I probably would’ve handled it very similarly. The thing about it is, is that it’s fine that Paige Paige knows that Craig’s not interested, but like I agree with her, like why the are you pulling my boyfriend aside and saying, oh, you’re uncomfortable around me. Like, I would be annoyed by that too. And I would mm-hmm <affirmative> I would probably give a little, a little attitude. And then if you wanna talk to me, then I’m gonna like, you know, I’m gonna let you have it a little bit. You called me outside girl. Okay. So that’s one, but in Naomi’s defense, she doesn’t know Paige that well. So like for her to call her and be, and talk to her about it, you know, production’s pushing it. I liked, I think they wrapped it up with a bow. They’re not gonna be best friends, but I would, I would’ve been just like Paige, like, like, like back the up off my man.

Amanda (

Yeah. Yeah. And I say, I mean good for her and I’m sure. And Paige’s head Paige is like, why are you making this a story? You know? Like she’s not right. She’s smart enough. And she’s good enough a reality TV to not say it, but I’m sure she’s like, look like you’ve been hooking up with Whitney. You have your own stuff, like right.

Talk about your breakup. Like you were with the guy for so many years and he dogs you out and it got 30 seconds of screen time. But you wanna talk about my current boyfriend who you went out with five years ago, get the hell outta here.


Yeah. I don’t blame her for being annoyed at all.

And again, we’re gonna quickly go over the Raquel and Tom situation. We’ve been talking about this. I don’t wanna harp on this. They made out and you know, a lot of people say to me in my DMS or whatever. Oh, but Raquel and Katie aren’t friends. True. But you know what? Tom can find a girl to hook up with that. Isn’t in the friend group. It would be like Katie going and hooking up with Peter, which I posted that. And apparently years ago they used to before Tom, whatever you get my point, it’s like enough it’s you know, is it a storyline? It’s possible? I don’t know how much drama is happening there. It could be storyline. I don’t know. I just think it’s stupid. I’m over Raquel. I’m over she’s wedding fo show


<Laugh> yeah. I don’t know. You know? Yes. Agreed. And I totally totally agree with everything that you just said. I am just thinking. Cause I’m like I wonder back in may when there was that whole Coachella thing,


Which we posted. Yeah.


Even if it’s which we posted and then we took down because

It wasn’t true.

Amanda (

You were told it wasn’t true. But is that what gave Rochelle the idea? Like, did she see that it was gonna cause like major drama from that and is that why she did it and was she cuz she was encouraging it too. And like, I don’t know again, to not just to like pile on the woman in this situation, like where the F or Tom’s balls mm-hmm <affirmative> like find some other Babi or

Is he like that insecure that like he needed Raquel to go on a podcast and talk about him for him to be like, oh, she would make out with me. Okay. Like, does he really think that girls don’t like him? Does he need, is it like middle school? Where like you need your friend to tell you somebody like she, before you approach them, that’s kind of how I take it. Like he kind of isn’t secure in the which. Okay. He’s new to the dating world. Right. He’s been with Katie a long time, but still grow up.


I mean, I don’t know if I, I don’t know if I buy that one. I’m sure. There’s girls throwing themselves at him all the time. Late night at the bar. Yeah.

Right. I, I would imagine, I don’t know. I wouldn’t he’s blase to me just,

Amanda (

He might just be doing it too, just to get back at Katie. Cuz he knows it’s gonna really her off. Well,

I, which is. I mean, I was under the impression based on things I heard that he would like to be back together and she doesn’t. So who knows? Maybe it was a last ditch effort to see if she still cared.


Yeah. I don’t know. But yeah, I’m with you. I don’t wanna spend any more time on she’s wedding either. But so we also, you know, another kind of check mark for Bravo and cocktails and cocktails and gossip. There was the blind from the summer or no, from earlier way earlier

In the summer. Yeah. Like spring.


Yeah, that said there was a country split and that we would find out. So guess what? Unfortunately, Kelsey Ballerini announced that she and her husband would be getting divorced. Mm

Yeah. So I, I love her music actually. I love that Peter pan. I, me too. They should play that for Southern charm. <Laugh> oh, you’re never gonna grow up. Okay. God, I’m not gonna sing on here. Jesus <laugh>. Oh. And the other one Amanda was that we posted a long time ago that there were rumors, Florida, Georgia line was splitting and they just did their last show. Last night fans who were there said that it was super awkward. Like you saw pictures of them hugging at the end, but they said the concert, like one guy was speaking. They weren’t near each other obvious tension. I, I have to say, what is shame? You know, I always think this, like when you hear bands breaking up, like, what are you like now? You guys are gonna do your own individual careers. You’re not gonna do as well.

Most likely. One of you may like, it’s always so stupid. I don’t know. I’m a person who like it’s a business. Yeah. But, and the other thing we got, and again, I’m not going into this because it’s, it’s not even something I wanna touch on Jason Aldean’s wife said some really not okay stuff. And we were sent to blind. We were sent a tip that said the public relation firm was telling them they better back off. They better come out with a statement. They did not, they were dropped by their, after we posted that a lot of like their fans were like, yeah, right. They can do whatever they want. Their fan base loves them. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> okay. Well their 17 year partnership with the biggest PR firm in country music dropped them like a hot potato because they doubled down, they started selling merch about the situation. And they said PC later, and I can’t imagine he’s too happy.


Wait, they were selling merch about that. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> I didn’t know that. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> mm-hmm <affirmative> gross. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> it’s just not cool. Yep. Not cool. Yeah.




Yeah. Well, you know guys, we have a lot of country fans, I think. And we have a lot of people who live in Nashville who read the website day in, day out. Cause we can see where people are from. So, you know, so we talk tea and we talk sports and it’s funny cuz we, some people are like, I don’t want any more country tea or, oh, I don’t want any more sports tea. And then those posts tend to do some of the best yes. Out of any of them. And so, and then we get a lot of great feedback about it too. So we’re gonna, you know, if it’s, if it’s coming in and it’s juicy, like we’re gonna cover it. Yes. But yeah.

And that’s something we’re also gonna work on guys. Amanda, Amanda, I shouldn’t say Amanda and I cuz Amanda’s the tech person, you know, when we get that site subscription going where we’re gonna have, we’re gonna try to do like a section for the no ads with like country stuff. So if you don’t like country, you don’t gotta click. You know, we wanna, we wanna, you know, streamline this stuff for you and we’re we are working every week. We’re working to improve what we give you guys. But a lot of you like the country tea. So I gotta post it. I always write country tea in a country blind because I know how polarizing it is. I do the same with sports <laugh> because people get very mad. Like I don’t want country tea. Okay. It says country tea. If you hate it, don’t click it.


But we’re also not just gonna talk about Bravo all the time. Right. We’re gonna talk about JLo and we’re gonna talk about, we’re


Gonna tell you when Rihanna’s pregnant.


Yeah, exactly. So there was a meme this week from Kelly DOD. I was dying, laughing. Oh no, it was my me,

It was my meme. She,


It, that she reposted it. I know. So, so Kelly DOD and Megan King Edmonds or Megan, whatever she’s going by, were hanging out and they posted a picture <laugh> oh my God. And you posted. So they like my nightmare. And then Kelly reposted the whole thing to her page, including the account. Yes. Called you a hypocrite and called you woke,

Which doesn’t make any sense. I’m not a hypocrite. I don’t like you. You are my nightmare. And I don’t know how that makes me woke. By the way, Megan was briefly married to a Biden. Is she woke? Isn’t that? What people say about liberals? I don’t talk politics here and I’m not gonna start now. But yeah, that was funny. She doesn’t even know what woke or hypocrite means, but thank you cuz I woke up to 2000 new followers. So I appreciate you. <Laugh>


Maybe woke means you have the best tea. And


She said, you’re a hypocrite. Don’t follow me. So I immediately unfollowed. So asking you shall receive you’re a revelent there’s no need to post about you


Love it. Okay. So Dubai reunion, let’s chat about it. You know,

We’re basically seeing all of the rumors, a lot of which we posted here first. So we’re happy about that. You know, what’s interesting is that when it first they filmed this a long time ago, right? So they were able to film their version of everything. There was no social media during it. There was none of that because nobody knew them except for Caroline Stanbury right. And we didn’t know what was currently going on in her life. Now they’re having to face the music. And I have to say, I find the reunion juicy because of that, you know, Lisa has to, has to defend herself against her business. And Caroline in surgery are saying she’s stole design. She’s denying it. People are saying she was an escort. She’s denying that Caroline has to face the music that her husband tweeted racist texts years ago. And she’s saying it’s when he was a soccer player and he hired somebody to, somebody hired him to promote and they tweeted it. I’m sorry. I’m sick of people using that. Excuse it is my account. If I post something on bra phone cocktails, I am responsible for it enough. Yeah.


Yeah. I think, you know, we’ve talked about this, about the show and just, you know, some of the things that we’re not loving about it and it’s funny cuz we even had, we, you said that it feels like a Netflix show and I say that it’s missing the good shade that makes the house. So I’ve shows, you know, so much more fun right. To watch. And we actually had somebody who wrote it and was like, yeah, actually it is a Netflix producer who has been doing that. But I feel like there have been very few kind of real moments on the show, but when Aion was talking about her genital mutilation, oh, I mean we, I think many I’ve read about this happening and for her, for her to talk about this so openly like holy, she just blew the doors open on my viewpoint towards her. Like I have a whole different opinion about her now. Right.


And it


Was so just a whole new respect that she would bring this up, cuz that is an awful, awful thing, an awful traumatic thing to happen. And then for her to be able to talk about it and bring awareness to it.

I agree. I, I think that, I think it’s incredible that she’s open about this. I think that it’s such a hard thing for me to even think about. So to have had it happen to her and for her to be so open about it is I think it will, you know, be impactful for people across the world to see. I mean this very sadly happens still in, in places. So I just think it is incredible. And I think it’s, it’s a good reminder that as much as we laugh and we joke and there’s tea and there’s this, we really do get viewpoints into, you know, different things that happen in the world that are tragic and, and abusive and, and to see her be such a strong, powerful, successful woman, a great mom, happily married in the face of what we now know really is, you know, again, the resilience of women. I think that, I think that that’s why so many of us like Housewives, I think that at the end of the day, it’s always that thread of look at these women, they have all different lives and they have all these things and we just like to see them win, you know? And so, yeah, it’s incredible. And I, I think, I think that second season’s gonna be good. I really have high hopes.


I do too. I think there’s gonna be enough of us too saying like you guys, we need the subtle shade. Like we need some of the other things we need to have a little bit more attention on the editing and like following a timeline because we were getting a little bit lost in the season, right? Those are all things that I think are easy enough to fix and with a beautiful setting. And they have, you know, some really strong cast members. I think that I think they totally can find their footing and have a great, a great second season too. Agreed. So I also, I just wanted to end the show with a big, thank you to the cocktail who posted a picture of her eating a delicious looking salad in her car and posted it saying self-care is eating my dinner while listening to cocktails and gossip and wa waiting for my grocery pickup. I mean, B and I both know how hard it is to steal a moment for yourself today in today’s busy world, no matter whether you’re a mom, you’re, you know, you’re single and you’re a, you know, business owner, whatever it is. So we were, we were so touched and really honored that you chose to spend that time with us. So

Yes, we were, Amanda actually called me. She was like, oh my God, I just saw what you posted. And I always feel bad because I’m able to see all like, and I try to remember to message it to you. I’m able to see all the positive feedback and yeah, it just, it’s, it’s sweet. And you know, we do this because we like to do it. And it’s great that you guys have fun with us. That’s just the reality of it. This is it’s fun for us. If it stops being fun, then we would stop doing it. Right. But it’s very fun for us. And we love our cocktail crew and we really built such a beautiful community. And there’s a lot of nonsense too. And I have to tell you, we all need it. I know, you know, we’re back, school’s in full swing, we’re busy, we’re working we’re we have so much all of us going on and myself, you know, I, myself, I like to pop on Heather McDonald when I’m driving, I’m going from this sports practice to that sport practice. And it really is almost like a therapy session. It’s time for me. And I think we all need that. So if we can, if we can give that to some of you guys, then we’re very appreciative that we are able to do that.


I know we are so flattered and honored and so happy that we can kind of help with the recharging of the batteries. Hopefully. So thanks guys.

Yes. And thank you guys for tuning in till next week. Talk to you soon.

Speaker 6 

Thank you guys so much for listening. Just wanna ask you guys a favor, just getting kicked off. So many people have been asking us to do this podcast. So please do subscribe. And if you subscribed go to your podcast app and hit those three little dots to share with your friends, but only friends who like good tea, because the ones who don’t care about tea, then like forget them. And don’t forget. Find us on Instagram at Bravo and cocktails underscore and check out the website because some great tea gets put there daily that would get us kicked off of Instagram. <Laugh> so thanks for listening everybody. Bye guys. See you next time.