From: Straight up
Email: [email protected]
Subject: MAchine Girl Candy?
Spill it to
This former reality star had a scandal a few years back, she lost her show and her very popular podcast. Rumor has it the pod is making a return, and the not one with her husband, which has been up and running, her original pod. There’s more to come after the pod. She has a fan base and is far from canceled.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Bravo and Cocktails (
Vile Stassi ?
Stassi <3
Hmm could be Kelly.
Oh lord not Stassi. POC would like a word
I’m so glad. Love stassi
Stassi said on someone else’s pod that she was going to bring Straight Up back soon
I got a message today that there was a new Straight Up with Stassi pod available. I found it odd but now makes sense.
I guess if you keep quiet for awhile you can get away with being a racist lil B & blame $exual a$$ault victims w/ no repercussions…… F her.
Faith was not assaulted, she willingly slept with Jax.
Insane that people still support this racist pos and sa victim blamer. White women keeping her afloat. ?
The sexual assault comment is not about Faith and Jax, it is about Stassi’s podcast she had done on the metoo movement.
Can we stop giving this racist, anti-Semite, bully a platform?? It’s disgusting and hurtful that this site (BAC) constantly promotes her.
This is just one step closer to getting her back on VPR. Love her or hate her, reality tv needs her. She makes for great tv
Lol, hi Stassi! Nice of you to keep us informed!
stassi can stay in her hole. absolute sh*t person who doesn’t deserve another chance. beau is just as bad.
No more stassi pleeeaaaase
Let’s just pair her up with Chrissy Teigen. How many chances do these racist bully’s get? Stazzi has nothing we need to hear. We also don’t need her thirsty do nothing husband or her kid “beaut.” Totes AF!!!
The SA comment was NOT about Faith sleeping with Jax. It was a vile ass comment she made during the height of the #MeToo movement.
Good I like stassi, she was needlessly cancelled tbh