Subject: Feeling lonely
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My friend is a makeup artist who is in the know… the reunion was rough particularly for Kyle and she left feeling isolated and betrayed. She is pushing hard for Teddi to return next season as she needs an ally who has her back. Doesn’t appear that the powers that he have any interest but Kyle is influential… there will be changes. Some are out but look for somebody to come on board that will be a strong Kyle allegiance. They need to keep her and want her to be happy.
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Why do we need her?? All she does is create drama but never has the guts to get involved.
Jamie Lee Curtis ?
Not Teddi!! She‘s the worst & boring, too
I can’t imagine Dorit turned on her
this is the PERFECT chance for an LVP makeup storyline. I can see Kyle & LVP “making up” and then tag teaming the remaining FF5
We don’t need Kyle
Kyle is such a pot-stirrer, but has a complete meltdown over a hat store. I’m so over the Housewife OGs.
They need kyle because of the money they get any time she mentions the agency, so she won’t be going anywhere!
They don’t need Kyle. They’d be better off without her, but I’m guessing Netflix has some sort of agreement that she be in the show to drive interest in Mauricio’s Netflix deal.
If Teddi comes back that could be the end of RHOBH. No one wants to see her back!
Keep Kyle forever & I love Teddi bring her back too! No more Kathy or Kim. Their family’s dynamics are just so dark and hard to watch.
Does Kyle want us to scream for her to be off next? NO ONE WANTS TEDDI! Does she and bravo not see every single comment on any post that mentions teddi? Viewers despise her! If Kyle wants to isolate herself even more and if bravo wants everyone hating on BH even more then in the words of Andy himself, “with all due” go ahead!
I almost want Teddi back. She’s irritating beyond belief but she also causes serious drama…
I would love to see Teddi back.
Or they could just get rid of her
Kyle has been and will always be my favorite housewife of all time. We can’t get rid of her. Based on Dorit’s WWHL visit recently, she said Ericka was a better listener and basically a better friend than Kyle, which pissed me off. Bye Dorit.
Yes Kyle stirs the pot. But I don’t understand all the hate for her recently. She has always been a great HW. I hope LVP and her makeup and it’s on camera. I’m sure Dorit and Rinna turned on her with Erika.
Teddi is better than Diana and Rinna !!! Erica needs to go too. These people are awful and I get why Kyle is done with them.
The most we will allow is Kim or Brandi, even Andy doesn’t want Teddi!
Kyle needs an ally? Like her SISTER?? Rinna wronged both her sisters, Kyle needs to learn.
All of you people sure spend a lot of time hating on Teddi. Bravo loves that shit, better to be hated and talked about 24/7 than for fans to feel completely indifferent about someone. Keep talking about her & hopefully they bring Teddi back, she deserves it!
I’d rather keep Rinna than get Teddi back. Ffs don’t go backwards.
Faye Resnick?!?!