From: Anon Anon
Email: [email protected]
Subject: She’s wicked!
Spill It to
The fight this sophomore cast member, who’s getting her own spin-off had with her cast mates makes much more sense now. I was hired to interview the cast of her spin off. A cast member shared his former drug use. She texted me (I’ll attach) real foul and nasty things demanding I take the publication down. We were giving her show publicity and this cast mate was open and honest and shared these things OUT OF HIS OWN MOUTH. It was shocking how she reacted and treated me.
This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Bravo and Cocktails (
Of course Leva. I can’t believe Bravo is giving her this much attention
Leva. No amount of plastic surgery makes her palatable.
It will be because of production’s efforts if this show is more than a one hit wonder. Leva is cringeworthy to watch, so self absorbed and fake, can’t imagine anyone cheering her on. She should eat something, she just seems hangry and uninterested on Southern Charm.
Well where’s the attachment?
Leva started attacking normals on social media early in her 15 minutes of fame. She an entitled princess that bullies. She opened restaurants with her parent’s money, that’s her claim to fame.
Wait!! Leva is getting a spin off?!? Leva?!? She’s boring af
Let’s see the texts! If there’s actual proof let’s see it instead of gossip. Then she can’t try to explain it away or deny it
Also so many reports about the show being filmed after hours with actors and no real staff. No thanks. Watching fake restaurant drama is so lame when in reality restaurants have the best drama!
My friend works for a company that was helping with some design/remodeling work and said they’ve never meet Leva, had idea who she was, and said the only person from the restaurant that they’ve dealt with is Lamar (Leva’s husband). The cast was hired for the show, they didn’t work at Republic. Leva’s boss persona and the whole show are fake.
Why in their right minds did they give Leva her own show!!??? She’s been boring since her first show. She’s the least wanted cast member to have a show.
Know 2 separate people who know her personally. She’s horrible.
I’m confused why Bravo would make a spin off with Leva. She’s boring AF and has barely been featured on SC at all.
I refuse to watch it.
I’m very confused about the hype about Leva. She doesn’t ever bring anything to the show. Like great that she’s successful and all but she is extremely overrated to be given her own show ? will not be watching
Stop making Leva happen!
It is true about it all being fake. I know some of the people in the show and they openly admit that they film after hours and a lot of the stories are fabricated.
Who actually likes Leva or even enjoys watching her? She’s not good tv and it’s obvious she’s desperate for fame/attention
This comment is not true. They are real staff. I met some of them when I was in Charleston a couple months back and they were in the midst of filming. Also real servers. All thirsty as hell and more than willing to film.