Kathy will be on Kyle’s couch. There will also be a “surprise guest” but unsure who that is,.. no word on Sheree. Kathy will be sitting between Kyle & Garcelle
Insider scoop on reunion!
by Amanda | Sep 9, 2022 | Too Hot for IG | 11 comments
Kathy will be on Kyle’s couch. There will also be a “surprise guest” but unsure who that is,.. no word on Sheree. Kathy will be sitting between Kyle & Garcelle
Fingers crossed for Paris ?? and NOT Patrick!
Hopefully it’s Paris
Maybe kim…
Sheree had like 2 min of screen time why would she be there.
Kendal Jenner for Lisa, obviously!!
Jamie lee Curtis ?
I hope its Kate Chastain
I would be psyched if Kim showed up.
I want the surprise guest to be Patrick Somrs. This morning he let it all out about Rinna. She’s a sneaky, two faced snake.
Surprise guest is Jamie Lee Curt & yes the sp of curt is intentional. Is the nicest thing I can say about her???allegedly it’s a very brief appearance
It’s Jamie lee Curtis