It’s Episode 11 of the Cocktails and Gossip podcast, and we’ve made it easy for you to listen right here on the website. Transcript is below too!

Incoming Tea

This week, we got lots and lots of tea coming into the inbox and the dms to @bravoandcocktails_ . We start the episode with the story about how B knew Tamra was coming back to the Real Housewives of Orange County. There’s suspicious timing about the Southern Charm split and some very surprising and scandalous tea we’ve been getting about a possible hookup between cast mates. We read the emails to you and discuss whether we believe them – we want to know what you think so come to the website to sound off! Amanda’s got a wild theory about who might really be behind a blind sent into the website. Exclusive tea about an A list blind and about RHUGT 4. B and her email conversations with a billionaire…Is Melissa Gorga getting iced out on the RHONJ cast trip to Ireland? Thank you to the Cocktailers for sending in so much tea this week! Keep it coming!

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Transcript: Episode 11 of the Cocktails and Gossip Podcast

Note: We use AI transcription software to transcribe the podcast – please blame any name misspellings on the robots 🙂


A lot of people are guessing it’s Jax. Some people messaged me quite a few feel. It was sent in by another former P star because her and her husband are at them following a fallout that happened surrounding their wedding. Listen, I, I don’t think that she would send in a lie like this. You know, it’s, it’s, they’re married, they have a child, I think it’s ex extreme. And what would be her end game in doing that? Welcome to cocktails and gossip, the podcast where we drink cocktails, but you better believe we’re gonna spill the tape. We chat reality TV, celebrity blinds, and the hottest teeth from Bravo and as always, it’s all alleged. And just for fun, we do not verify our blinds. B


And I’m Amanda, let’s get into this week’s tea.


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Welcome to cocktails and gossip, the podcast where we drink cocktails, but you better believe we’re gonna spill the tea. We chat reality TV, celebrity blinds, and the hottest teeth from Bravo and as always, it’s all alleged. And just for fun, we do not verify our blinds


B and I’m Amanda, let’s get into this week’s tea. So again, we love to kind of call out when you are right. And we, Hey, we also will admit it when sometimes we are wrong, but you have been calling Tamara out for the return. And guess what?


She’s back. The judge is back. So I remember, I remember as far back as when I was still recording in my basement, which we knew we now know is terrible for audio. <Laugh> that like, we, we started talking about it because I’m looking at, okay, let’s give a full picture. I’m looking at a franchise that was once, top completely flop. Every time Dick and Harry, since Tamara was let go, has been brought in. They last a season, they got rid of Kelly Dobb because I mean, she was just not for public consumption. Here they are. If they’re not gonna cancel it, they have to bring her back. So like, I was very comfortable guessing. And my top source, who’s the best. We love him. We appreciate him. He was like, B, I agree with you, but nobody is confirming this. And like, he really knows people like casting people.


He’s friends with them, producers, what have you? I said to myself, if they’re not leaking, it, it is because not because it’s not happening that whole, they’re not letting her back because of a podcast was a distraction. I feel they were in very tense contract negotiations. The reason I feel that way, she had the leverage most successful Bravo podcast, you know, done by a Bravo celebrity. Got it. Several successful brands. Her C keeps growing. She now has not only CBD, which you take the drops and the pill, whatever. She now has, like a beauty line CBD that is in major stores. She’s got her gym. She has so much, and they need her. So I finally was like, you know what? I’m posting this because I just feel it. And I’m really happy I did because a couple days later we had Jill <laugh> leak it. She tried to backtrack on that and say that she heard it in the blogs. However, we know that Vicky was at her charity event in the Hamptons. I was in the Hamptons that weekend in a wedding. So we know that part of it. Right. I also got this screenshot that one of them, I think it was Vicky posted. It makes sense that it would be Vicky basically. And it showed Tamara like telling her she’s back. So all of these things, I said, she’s back, you know, and she is, oh


My gosh. And <laugh> in true Tamara form. She was. And I mean, sorry, mom, but Tamas what she said when she would like, as on her post, you, you thirsty to Jill <laugh> I was like, this is why we need Tamara back. I’m mm-hmm, <affirmative>, I’m quite happy about it. I think it’s gonna be so much fun again to watch her. I think this whole, we knew that she was gonna be on watch what happens, live her and Vicky being on there. So you and I were talking as you have an interesting theory about why they didn’t announce the night that she was on with Vicky.


So once it was leaked and we knew she was going on, watch what happens live. And we knew Vicky knew, I said, and I said to you, Amanda and I posted it too. I said, they’re not gonna announce this on watch what happens live because I’m sure Vicky asked Tamara and Andy not to. So we know Vicky after all these years. Right. And then she didn’t announce it. So here we cue the naysayers. Oh, you see Tamara isn’t coming back, you know, all that kind of stuff. And in my head, I’m like, she’s coming back. I did, I obviously didn’t know the next night she would pop on. I was minding my own business, you know, with a face mask on, in bed. And there she is holding an orange. So, you know, it did seem when they were, when Vicky and Tamara were on what happened, watch what happens live together. It did seem like she was very salty at Vicky. That was another thing where I was like, she’s coming back because she sort of had this smirk on the whole time. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> where, like she had something to say and she wasn’t saying it. And I don’t know, I guess it was just the read I got on her, but that’s how I felt. And you know, and like Vicky, why, why aren’t you happy for your friend?


I, I mean, it that’s, again, I know there are so many Vicky stands, but I am not one. And I think that Vicky is, is being a to her friend. Like she should be happy for her. Like, there’s this Liz song, this new Liz song that, you know, I love Lizzo. And you know, the line is like, if she’s winning or if she’s with it, I’m with it. And I’m like, that is how you should be. And like Vicky, I get it. Like, you feel like you should be on TV because you were there first. But you know, maybe take a step back and have a little bit of humility and be like, you know what? I’m really happy for Tamara, but I’m also a little bit sad that it’s not me too, because clearly she wants back on some sort of Bravo show in some sort of capacity. She wouldn’t have done watch what happens live if she didn’t. So like, show us a little humility and show, like, instead of just being, so it’s all about me all the time.


Well, and to your point, what Vicky lacks, which reminds me of Ramona, and there are other, you know, people that come to mind that were really, the OGs is a lack of insight. And you know, the problem with it is, is number one, their stands are laughing at them. Okay? All these accounts who stand Vicki and Stan, Ramona, they stand them in a way that is not like you’re a fan of them. It’s more like you’re laughing at them. But what the issue for them is is that they came into this prior to Instagram and Twitter and all of the social media, they don’t know how to work it. The younger generation mm-hmm, <affirmative> the newer, not even necessarily younger, the newer Bravo liberties, they know how to work, work it. And these two women would both still be on TV if they had invested in a social media manager, because they really, they were the nails in their own coffin. And yeah. You know, that’s, that’s what it is. So they really don’t get it. And I don’t know if they ever could get it, but I think that if they had a barrier between them and the internet, it would certainly shield them and, and they don’t, and they never made that investment. And they’re suffering as a result,


Did the remote as recent post. Cuz she, I have a theory that she’s trying to recreate the show through her own social media, like some of the like familiar setups, right. Where they always show the house. So I was packing for a trip. She shows herself packing for a trip that she’s like, here we are in ABI. And I’m like, oh my God, you’re


Just Amanda.


You’re just so cringe.


Speaking about ABI. What about the other Bravo and cocktails exclusive that a follower saw her in ABI and she told the follower, she will not be back on Ronny and she’s happy cuz she’s gonna get to spend more time with her friends. So guys, if that comes true, it is 7 22. I posted this a couple days ago. You heard it here first.


I mean I think too, like I think that’s pretty credible source. Cause I don’t remember if it’s the same person, but somebody else was saying, I think it was the same person who was like, we also saw her trying to cut in line at the club at one in the morning and complaining about the line and I’m like, well that sounds just like Rambo <laugh> right.


And so I definitely think Ramona said it now from, from now until filming could something change where they pick her up again, I guess it’s possible. But I think if she’s been informed that she’s let go. I don’t think they’ll go back on that.


Yeah, I think you’re, I think you’re right. Well, speaking of buzzing on social media, there’s been a lot of talk about Southern charm and we have some really interesting tea that’s been coming out. So we’re gonna kind of tell you guys about it from the behind the scenes look. But first of all, there was a breakup in Charleston.


There was so wow.


Yeah. Well, so I don’t E I don’t even know where to start with this because we have been getting some pretty, I would go as far as to say crazy emails this week, the first one we got like Monday I texted you was like, this, this can’t be right. And we’ve gotten three this week about a very specific subject. I think we should read it. Obviously pulling out names. Yeah. Do you wanna read ’em


You read it because I’m scared that I’ll forget to pull an name out.


<Laugh> okay. All right. Bear with me here guys. Okay. So this is the first email we got. This is the one that I texted me right away. It says from we’ll just say, leave that blank from blank from email. We’ll also leave that blank subject guy on Southern charm and woman on Southern charm will just leave the names out of it. They are friends with benefits. Okay. Okay. The next email. I mean, we could try to, I could, I could try to explain a little bit more, but I think you guys will pick up once we read more of these, the email, the next one says OG. So I’m gonna put in a description here. OG Southern charm person banging and old lady <laugh> it says I don’t watch Southern charm, but my girlfriend does. And I know who this guy is. He is well known on the social scene and always has good blank if he’s being generous that night.


Okay. So here is the first email. I’m just gonna tell you, there’s not much I can put in it. Cause it’s a short email. Subject is OG Southern charm person and woman from Southern charm. And then the subject says they are friends with benefits. Okay. Second email. You guys will start to pick up. I think as we read more of these second one, OG from Southern charm is banging an old lady. Then it says I don’t watch Southern charm, but my girlfriend does. So I know who the guy is. He is well known on the social scene and always has good blank. If he’s being generous that night, I was at a pub in Charleston and OG guy was soused. He was talking about novelty sex and mentioned midgets mils, which by the way, that is, I don’t think a good word to use anymore. By the way, midget mils


Is still


Good. Is fine. Yes, cetera. And then he said, so, and so’s mom, but not to split hairs, but she’s more in the Gil category. One of the girls in the group in discussed, said she’s 80 mouse hung open around the pub within your shot. People nervously laughed. A guy asked if he was serious, OG guy looked offended and then smiled and said, she’s got some astonishing skills. Okay. Okay. So guys, that’s


Actually the original email. I took out the offensive word Midge because I didn’t want it on print on my website. Yeah. You know, we’re saying it here.


We’re saying it with


The disclaimer that it’s not a good word. It’s not a word we use. Right. I don’t wanna offend anybody. Right.




So, and then we got this other one. Okay. Yeah. We’re gonna say the last


One. This one.




God. This one is from south abroad. The email is we have learned a fake email. We’ll tell you why in a minute, the subject is


The ex-girlfriend of one of the OGs.


Yeah. And it says her friends were consoling her at a bar. OGI apparently cheated with someone’s mom.


Okay. Now Amanda, when we first got this, you text me and you were like, are you gonna post this? And I said, absolutely not stop it. This is ridiculous. But you know, <laugh> then other things transpired breakups, let’s say, and then more emails came in. And so when I posted it guys, followers like sent me stuff that they had heard this. And we know that I have a lot of really cool, informative Charleston folk in my DMS. So listen, I don’t know. I, I don’t know. I don’t listen. Fetish is a fetish is a fetish and it’s not to discount anyone’s attractiveness. I am not saying that I’m not age shaming. It just, you know, seems like an extra large age gap considering the age of the women, the OG dates. Right. So, you know, I would think if you are a person who dates much younger, that’s your vibe. Right. And we know there are guys who date older and who like older women. So I think that the idea that this person who dates such young, I don’t wanna say such young, I mean they’re legal age, but much younger than him to go so much older than him in and of itself is pretty shocking.


I, so I have a theory. I, so first of all, I have to say, I think, I feel like this feels like fake news to me, but I have a different perspective on why I think this person, the woman, I truly doubt she would stoop to hook up with OG guy. I believe that he would actually might want to, but I kind of feel like she wouldn’t, I don’t know. I, I just wonder, I think we, what we need to do is put up a post about this the day we release this podcast and let the cocktails have some debate about it. It’s just, I don’t know. I feel like it’s just good enough. We had to share it and, and share our questions and doubts about whether it’s true. I, I don’t know, but you know where there’s smoke and there’s been a lot of smoke on this specific topic.


Yes, there has. So I would, I’m interested. I definitely think that’s an idea. We’re gonna go with that. We’re gonna put a post when this pod drops and we wanna hear your thoughts and opinions. Remember you can always put a fake email address if you are from Charleston and you don’t want to be outed. So yeah. Let us know.


We’ll put, yeah, go to Bravo and today when the pod comes out and then let’s sound off in the comments because I’m really curious to hear what everybody has to say. So onto another interesting email, we’ve been getting some really great ones, guys, thank you guys for keeping us entertained and then letting us entertain the rest of the cocktails with all of this. So here is the email that we got, it says from V P rules. Email address is in a non email, subject, same old. And then what the email says, I hooked up with blank. Recently, his wife went home early to watch their kid. I guess you can say I’m a POS meaning piece of. And that’s why I left a fake email. LOL reality is I’ve always had a crush on him and he was flirting with me all night. Sadly, he hooked up with another cocktail waitress. I work with a couple nights later, so I guess I’m not special. Okay. So we, we have some comments from the website. So people are guessing it’s Jack’s people were guessing some other people, but the, the majority of the comments like Joe says, Jack, see dirty dog. Yuck says, jacks, are we surprised? But girl, why would you admit that he’s so gross? No way Jose says, this sounds like a movie made up, but it also sounds like something he would do. <Laugh>


You know, so a lot of people are guessing it’s jacks. Some people messaged me quite a few feel. It was sent in by another former P star because her and her husband are at them following a fallout that happened surrounding their wedding. Listen, I, I don’t think that she would send in a lie like this. You know, it’s, it’s, they’re married. They have a child, I think it’s ex extreme. And what would be her end game in doing that? Now the question of if it’s true, I mean, I wasn’t there. I have absolutely no idea. I do know that after I posted this, I was sent screenshots of the man in question out, without his wife, a girl whispering in his ear, it could be anything, right. Anybody can take a picture or a video and it can look bad. But you know, when you’re a known cheater, as he is, you think you’d be smarter than being out in public, doing these things, maybe stay home or maybe go out with your wife. Maybe if someone’s hanging on you whispering, make sure you’re not being filmed. You know, some suggestions. Well,


Or here’s my wild theory. So assuming this blind was about Jack, what if it’s actually jacks and Brittany behind it all? What if they’re staging this as a way to get people talking about them and to get back on TV? So none of the pictures you were sent showed him actually cheating. What if it, this were all just like an elaborate Rouse. We know that there’s been rumors for a while. That BPR is gonna do kind of what new York’s doing and do a legacy and then kind of a new group. I’m just, I don’t know. I, I feel like they saw the attention Lala got when the whole scandal down, went down with Randall. And I know like, you know, assuming if this is a ruse and assuming he didn’t do anything that Brittany kind of knows that controversy can really only help them because I don’t think they’re gonna get very far with content about Jack’s mowing the lawn <laugh>


So I can totally see them doing that. However, I don’t see the, I don’t believe Val Bravo sees the value in bringing them back in any capacity. So try as they might, it’s not gonna be a go, but yeah, I could see them doing that certainly. And they are filming. Right. So what timing? Right? We just saw the opening of Schwartz and Sandy’s oh, I, I didn’t tell you this. So this is another random tidbit we saw the opening of bar restaurant. I think bar, I don’t know, maybe just bar. Maybe they have food. Looks gorgeous, very happy for them. The gang was all there. It was very much a social media blitz for the opening. They got a lot of attention. The daily mail was involved. A couple of big accounts. I saw the talk of shame there. I saw Ryan Bailey there. Good for them, all good stuff. And we wish them well on their new endeavor, but Amanda, they didn’t buy the website domain. <Laugh> I know you’re CR I know you’re cringing cuz you are, you know, a website pro it’s actually in their bio. So it’s not that they’re gonna like, not have that name. Right. A follower. I know this because a follower sent it to me and she bought it


<Laugh> so, oh my


God, I guess. And you would know, I don’t know how this works, but I guess they’ll have to buy it from her.


Yeah. They’ll if she bought it and they that’s the exact URL they want and it sounds like it is because they put it in their Instagram pipe. <Laugh> I can’t, they’re gonna have to buy it from her. So I guess, or him, I don’t know if, what, who, what gender your follower was, but I think this is what I think they should do. They should say, okay, we’ll sell it to you for a dollar. And then we wanna have like an epic night at Schwartz and Sandy’s and then I think they should invite you and me.


Yes, I think so, too. And, and the follower laughed. I don’t believe that it was, it was a, she, I don’t believe that she’s gonna charge them like a lot of money. I think it was more a joke because I mean, let’s face it. You buy a whole restaurant, you secure investors, this whole thing for years. And yet the domain that is written in your Insta bio, you don’t actually buy for 15 bucks on go <laugh>


Oh dear God. But it, it tracks, right?


Yes it does.


This is a surprise me <laugh>


And you know, so my followers have mixed feelings about the show’s return. You know, they think last season wasn’t as good. Some people miss the old cast or even if they don’t miss them, who they are today, they miss the chemistry of, you know, the olden days. I do hope they bring it. It used to be so good. You know, it was our summer house. It was our Southern charm before either of those things existed. Right. So, you know, we’ll see Katie and Tom post split. I’m not really looking forward to that. I like them both. I think it’s gonna be kind of sad to watch Lala post split. Again, I’m not that whole, I feel like everything we need to know about that she has really put it all out there and we know it. We know it girl. And I think a lot of it is staged, you know? So we’ll see James and Raquel post split. He has a new girlfriend, you know, for people that were engaged, their, their relationship was so surface level. <Laugh> that, you know, it’s not gonna, it’s not gonna, I don’t know. It’s not gonna be much there. So let’s see, you know, let’s see. I’m, I’m hoping for a good season. It’s always good to see Lisa. I love her.


Yeah. I agree. I have, I have a big confession to make that I did not actually watch the last season of, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t deal. It was, it was so I’m hoping that they can bring back the magic and it, I think it’ll be interesting that with so many of them single now to see if there’s anything kind of fun about that, because nobody wants to watch a show with like post divorce tension. I mean, that sounds like,


But so here’s the thing with that. Right? So in, in the early days, and, and it has nothing to do with age for me now, this has to do with how well known they are. So are they going to show us like real blossoming relationships is Lala gonna date somebody for real just meeting him like she would have when she was first on, like Katie and Tom did, are they going to do that now? They’re they’re these, you know, celebrities. And are they gonna give us that? Or are they gonna stage a couple of dates and say they don’t like the guy and the guy’s really an actor that Bravo pay. You know, I, I’m not confident that we’re gonna get a real, authentic them dating if they give us that. And you know, just a piece of advice, you guys just started filming. That’s what we wanna see. That’s what the fans wanna see. We wanna see authentic. If we’re gonna get something staged, then it’s time to recast and let, let’s get some new kids in there who are gonna give us the real, the real cause this is reality TV


Couldn’t agree more. Okay. So moving on to another breakup, I guess this was a bad week for love. There was a breakup in the comedy world and you got a little bit of tea about that.


You know, it’s funny you say that because it’s like, don’t they say? And God I’m married a long time, but people don’t wanna be cuffed in the summer. So I guess it’s true. <Laugh> so these are pretty big stars, comedians. They were nearing their first anniversary and there were some mumblings people had asked me. I’m like, I have absolutely no idea. I mean, I haven’t heard anything. And then we see a post. It was sort of like one of these unconscious uncoupling posts, <laugh> conscious a coupling, you know, like one of these like very like woke. We love each other. And, and it was sort of like, huh, it was odd to say the least because you’re, I mean, they like blasted out of a cannon. How in love they were. And so then to just break it off, it seemed suspicious. I did get some Intel that he broke up with her, but she was, first of all, she’s a bigger star.


I mean, in my opinion, I’m not huge in the comedy world. I certainly know her better. I didn’t really even know. I knew like I recognized him when they started going out, but he wasn’t somebody who was like an everyday person for me. So he certainly gained on that end with her audience. Maybe she gained on his end with his audience. I don’t know. I’m not a guy. Right. I’m I’m a woman. So <laugh> but so like she’s spinning it. Like it was a mutual thing, but that’s not the case. Apparently this is a pattern for him. He loves hard. And then dumps, you know, kind of reminds me of like a Josh flag who, by the way, he’s on Instagram, he’s calling this new young guy, the love of his life after he just broke up with Bobby. I don’t know if he left the Bobby for this guy. <Laugh> kind of seems that there was some crossover, but I don’t know. I’m a big fan of hers. I don’t know much about him. As I said, there’s social media proof to kind of prove that he’s a serial monogamous for whatever that’s worth. So, you know, they were friends, right? Yeah. So she must know that better than we do.


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Well, and if you, I mean, they would wear a matching outfits. I mean, they, you, you were as somebody, if you followed this person, you knew everything that they were doing, cuz they put it all out there. So it made sense that they had to do this very public breakup because we had been, you know, along for every single detail of the ride with them up until that point. So anyway,


Oh, you know what I wanted to bring up. This is so random, but since we’re not really gonna go to in depth on Beverly Hills random connection, Diana Jenkins’ son’s girlfriend, Ava, who was shown as Crystal’s nanny last season is also the daughter of Damon dash and Rachel Roy now Damon Dash’s Jay-Z’s old partner. Right? I don’t know. They had the music label together. They split and Rachel Roy, the rumors are that she’s Becky with the good hair. So that’s just like a little interesting, like is everyone in Hollywood connected to everybody else?


That kind of makes sense. Cuz I was watching, there was a, before you mentioned that I was watching this week and they’re at Diana’s Christmas party and they show crystal talking to Ava and Ava’s like, oh she must really enjoy watching you get ready. And it like, that’s kind of a random interaction. And I’m like, oh, that actually makes a lot of sense cuz they know each other. So anyway, that, that kind of ties it all up for me cuz I’m like, that was kind of a random seed. But then once you say that, I’m like, oh totally makes sense. Okay. So moving on, we have a very interesting A-list blind from the website that reads and this one came in on July 20th. Okay. Anonymous please. But I have it on good authority that this a list star is ready to wreck his also a list X, even though she is the innocent one, her team is working in overdrive to figure out how to shift her public persona without having, without her having to sacrifice her kids’ feelings, identities, stories. It’s really sad. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to come out the winner. And she’s worried that she won’t be believed because America doesn’t believe women. U allegedly




A lot. Okay. So here are some comments of people guessing who this is about. The beach says K a. So me meaning Kristen cavalry now Kay says, yeah, that doesn’t makes sense. Brad and Angelina. Mm Brad and Angelina could be Gretchen wieners.


<Laugh> I love


These people’s names. I love those. I know I do too. Ben and Jen G so meaning Ben AFK and Jennifer Garner, I think. Yeah, but they’re




Divorced Flo. Yeah. flow says Kim K and Kanye would be that mm-hmm <affirmative> or JLo and


Arad. They were never married.


That’s right. And yeah. Okay. Craig says, oh, I forgot to mention the subject of a, the name was take her out. So he, what Craig says, take her out is a nod to baseball. This has to be Arod and JLo. Right? Interesting. Tilly says not Brad and Angelina. It’s been how long? And I don’t see him doing that to the kids.


Amanda. I just wanted to add something. So when I post these blinds, sometimes I take things out like names and stuff. I, it looks like I took out mm-hmm <affirmative> take her down, wreck her in a divorce. So anyone who’s not married or already divorced, it doesn’t apply to. So I’ll just leave that there. So like it can only be people who are still battling out, be it, you know, property, businesses, whatever. It’s only people in that category cuz they were legally married. So the people who weren’t or who were already divorced don’t make sense. So sorry.


Interesting. Sorry


To you guys, because taking that out does obviously change the scope of it. But you know, sometimes when I do these, I forget like <laugh> the important pieces. So there you go.


<Laugh> well, and sometimes we know the important pieces that we have to take out. <Laugh>


Why, right? Because we, you know, we gotta be careful here. All right. So now I’m gonna read something that I got after I posted this and I’m obviously needing to omit stuff. But if this is about blank and blank, it’s a hundred percent true. Blank is a family friend and he’s very close with her and her manager forever. And he was saying she gave blank every chance to make an offer. I’m just gonna say for this business. So it’s a business they own together, which he did not, not, which is why the judge then granted her legal permission to sell this business to an outside buyer. She could have been petty and sold it to someone who had no idea about the business’ industry. But instead she sold her shares to blank. Who owns basically she sold it to somebody who knows all about this kind of business.




He is in over his head because they have proven models they use to brand and sell. And he’s now trying to get it voided by saying she never gave him the chance to buy her out, which illegally as the judge stated she did. But he now knows that the court of public opinion loves a wife narrative. And she’s always been very divisive and triggers a lot of Karens, no coincidence. This is happening after death heard, let’s not forget. The man has had substance abuse issues that led to the divorce. Allegedly. You know, she says that and led to him losing some rights with his kids. Again, allegedly, these are things she accuses him of. Let’s also remember basically some stuff in Hollywood that, you know, he says one thing, but then still works with people. So BA I say this, so the end of this, without giving away something that we really can’t the end of this basically says that the male in this couple has a very good public image. Somehow, despite all of these obvious red flags, he somehow has managed to kind of remain America’s hunk over the years. Whereas the woman’s public image suffered a lot.


Hmm. Interesting. I, you know, I don’t pretend to know much about any of this, but I do think it’s highly unlikely that the woman just sold her part of the company without him knowing that that’s

B (



The level of people and lawyers that they must have had there would’ve been something in the agreement that’s like, you can’t just sell. I mean, that is a very standard clause in most business contracts. So I think it’s probably more likely he was ignoring her in some sort of power play. I don’t know. Yeah. Interesting.


I agree. I, the A-list stuff is always mind blowing. I feel like I can wrap my head around reality star stuff a lot easier than A-list there’s, you know, there’s so much money and power involved that it’s really hard to understand. So moving on from that <laugh>


Yeah. So back to the B list. Yes. Back to what we’re good at, which is where we like to be <laugh> oh, so true. We, we, we have some exclusive tea about a new show, so that’s one of the really fun things I think about what we do is we get so much good info on CAS and news shows. And we won’t say who we think likes this, but we have some very good credible sources that feed us info. So why don’t you read this one? Be


Okay. From peacock email, thirsty [email protected] subject second wife’s club wives club ex-wives club will be back this time as a standalone show Dorinda Jill Brandy Taylor, Eva PRA, and Vicky will all return with the network planning on adding another, either Gretchen Rossi or Bronwin Burke to the cast as the orange county representative, the network chose to opt out, adding a new wife on her own from another franchise. The show is set to tape either at Merv Griffin’s estate as featured on season 11 of orange county or Ramona’s friends, Miami home as featured on Ronny. Tamara is out as she’s no longer an ex-wife. The original thought was to have Alexis fill the void, but she’ll be returning to the OC two. Oh, so there’s more on that. You know, that idea that Alexis is returning, which I think that she will be in some capacity.


I think they’ll probably gonna introduce her in a limited capacity and see how she does. She’s kind of stale. She hasn’t been on in a while. Her whole life is different from when she was on. But anyway, back to this, so this email’s kind of all over the place. And I, I did not edit this because it’s scoop and I don’t wanna edit scoop because when it comes true and you know, we’ve had some of these come true and there never exactly what they originally say because let’s face it. We know that things change from right, the inception of an idea till filming, but that’s it,


We’re in the middle of summer now. And thank goodness for freedom, natural deodorant. It’s keeping me from being stinky at the pool, my kids’ sports and net parties, all the fun things that we do in the summer. I’m still a little shocked at how well freedom natural deodorant works for me. The founder of created it after she tried other natural deodorants that just didn’t work. My favorite scent is the ment mint, but they also make it in lavender, citrus, Franken, sensee, peach, and unscented. They have natural antibacterial wipes and shower sprays, too. Freedom products are aluminum free, cruel tea, free chemical free vegan. And like I said, they really work. You can buy them at freedom, and we got a special discount for our cocktails use code gossip for 20% off. So go to freedom, and use code gossip for 20% off your purchase. Find your freedom today.


Well, this might be an unpopular opinion, but I actually really like the idea of Gretchen coming back. I now I’m not so sure about SL, but I think Gretchen would be pretty interesting, especially in that format. I don’t think I can handle Bronwin. I also am like, would she and Brandy hook up? Would that wouldn’t that be kind of weird? Would Bronwyn get all like judgey with Dorinda? I don’t know if this tea is true and again, right. We have some credible sources. Does that mean that we would not see Dorinda and Jill on Ronita legacy?


Yeah, that is what I was thinking is I was reading it because again, this email just came in and I popped it in and I don’t know. I don’t know with this film before. No, it wouldn’t film before. I don’t know. I don’t know. These are all questions that’s well,


DDA is one of the names that, that we are not hearing quote around about legacy as much as we’re hearing Luanne, we’re hearing Sonya,


You know, we were Dorinda and I don’t know because we saw that Bluestone manner debacle. Is that coming into play? Yeah. And if so, would they even put her on anything else or would they, because it’s a shorter series. I, you know,


I just think we need to give Jordan A. Little bit of grace because having all these people in your house for eight days, like I would be a, I would


Be rat. I, I having


All the people, all the TV, like give her, just give her a little bit of a break guys. Give her another chance. So down to like, we’ll call it DLA because you know how I feel about this person? <Laugh> we got some scoop on Jesus jugs.


Oh, your favorite person? It’s so funny. Cuz she bothers me. Like Teddy irritates the out of me. Doesn’t bother you. And like,


I just, I like Teddy.


I don’t Alexis to me is like, she’s kind of like a Nat, you know, she’s a little annoying, but she doesn’t hurt anybody. <Laugh> <laugh>


It’s kind of


Tricky. Teddy’s more like a mistake you wanna read that I have to scratch after dealing with


<Laugh> do you wanna read this? Okay. Read this email and you have to read like who it’s from in the email address. Cuz I laughed when I saw it


From Jesus jugs email, Hey Jesus jug. <Laugh> at subject she’s back. Jesus jugs has signed for season 17. She will film as a friend of the show newbie. So there’s somebody who will be full-time my source already shot that down. He said newbies never get full-time offers. So that’s to be determined. I also think that they, and I just said this, you know, a couple minutes ago, I think Alexis, if she’s back, it’s gonna be more test the waters. If, if she pops on screen, they’ll bring her back. If not, they won’t, you know, but compared to the other ladies they’ve given us, I know you’re not a fan of Jesus jugs. You got Elizabeth Vargas, you got Noel, you got Dr. Jen. I mean even Emily and Gina for me, Jesus jugs is far better than those ladies. I mean, I’d like to see what’s what’s her life like now some interest is there as opposed to like one of these boring newbies who just pop up and have nothing to say or do


That’s true. I mean, Anne, I will totally be the first person to eat my words. If Jesus jugs comes back and brings something to the table. Okay. So another topic we got is some mashup info between two Bravo shows. So we posted on the site that girls trip four is coming. So this is what we, this is what the post on the set on the site set. Current plans are for girls trip, season four, to be filmed as part of the next season of below deck med filming in late September airing in mid 20, 23, no confirmed cast yet, but availability has been queried. And then this is an exclusive for the podcast. If you’d like to read it


From set sale, email Denise Richards at Bravo, Bravo, I mean you guys are the best. I could never, even if I wanted to make this up, I couldn’t subject sailing. The seven CS peacock is in development for the next installment of the below deck franchise. After below deck, adventure is finished and on the air, the production will move onto what they are giving the working title below deck, all star crews. This show will have a brand new crew, but will play host two Bravo liberties from a variety of shows, heading on board, likely Hannah of below deck me will be a chief St. I mean, I think they’re really mashing everybody up. They’re seeing the success of these girls trips and they’re saying let’s throw MJ and Reza on a boat with Shep and Austin and see what the happens. I mean, let’s do it.


I I’m here for it. I’m here for all of it. I love mess. I think, especially if we’re gonna, if we’re gonna like, and to the point we were saying about Vanda pump rules, if we’re gonna continue to have these people on our screens, these established celebrities, they need to be with other Bravo established celebrities who think they’re the because you put them together. And all of a sudden their real personalities will come back out. If you put them around non-famous people, they’re gonna be the star and the non-famous person is gonna, you know, get in line and it’s pecking order guys. It’s what it is. Put these people together. It was a success with the ex Housewives. It was a success with the Housewives from other cities. You gotta put them all on a boat and see if it sinks or if it swims <laugh>.


Yeah, I totally agree. I think we’ve talked about, I’ve said this before, like we’re Bravo fans, like yes, we’re fans of certain shows more than others, but, but we are overall Bravo fans. But as, as I was thinking about this, once we got this email, it made me start to think. So I have a question for you. I’m really curious to get your thoughts about this. So we know that, you know, on these girls, these girls trip shows they kind of break the fourth wall, which is means that they acknowledge, yes, they’re on a TV show and they talked about how they felt filming other TV shows, you know, other episodes, that sort of thing. How are they gonna pull this off? When the crew below deck who also become stars in their own, right. Are going to be in theory, serving these other Bravo labs.


So how will that work? When, for example, if you’re a housewife and you go on and you’re like, wait, how do I do this without coming off as an? Cause I’m like, I would like a margarita please. And wait, can I please have salt on the margarita? Like <laugh>, can you guys please put the slide out? I know you guys hate it, but can I, can, can we have the slide in the ocean? How do you do this without looking like an? Like, do you invite the crew to have a margarita with you? Like who’s gonna do the dishes,


You know, it’s so funny. You said that. And I think when I posted it, did I post that one? I almost took out the Hannah part because exactly what you just said. I think that they will have to have so on below deck the staff, right? The crew has these rich people on board. And so it would have to be a new crew who then have whether they’re rich or not, they’re Bravo liberties. So it’ll, it’ll have to be that dynamic where you’re working for them. You can’t have that dynamic with Hannah or Kate chasing. I mean, let’s face it. Kate is not gonna serve Dorinda a cocktail. Like it’s just not gonna work. They would have to be cast members. So like I could see what I think would be cool. I’m just honestly thinking out loud would be like Kate being on the boat and Hannah being on the boat and them kind of like looking down on, on the crew and pointing out where they suck, like kind of, but, but being like the reality star who’s being served, they’re not handing anybody a, you know, a jar of peanuts or a <laugh> like, they’re not, they’re not serving these people.


Ben is not cooking for, you know, Mauricio, you know, it’s not happening.


Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think you’re right. They’ve gotta go with unknowns for that one. Yes, for sure.


But I think it would be cool to have Ben and Hannah and like our big names from below deck. I think it would be cool to have them as cast, like on the, on the guest side, like being served also, I think you could have a captain cuz everybody always respects the captain. So I think like we could definitely get Glen or you know, our boy, oh my God. I’m having a brain fart. My


Captain Lee,


Captain Lee, my favorite captain. He’s my captain. I think we could totally have them be the captain because they’re always like much higher status.


Yeah. Yeah. Agreed. So this week to speaking of European adventures, the ladies of Jersey are in Dublin. As we speak.


They are, you know, the ladies are in Dublin. I love Dublin. I’m actually headed to Ireland myself this summer. Although in leak footage, we saw Melissa walking with Jackie and again Bravo and our pod last week we discussed this, that the dynamics have changed in Jersey. And that Melissa sort of like the odd man out, allegedly we did see in leaked footage, Melissa walking with Jackie. However, so that was one clip that was after dinner. It looked like maybe it was there’s like bachelorette party or, you know, the version of that, that they’re gonna show because she was wearing like this pretty white dress. But sh Melissa seemingly arrived to the airport by herself at the dinner. She was sitting like all the way at the end, kind of by herself. And then just this morning I saw, you know, these accounts get, you know, we get sent leak footage, like believe it or not Amanda and you, well, you would actually know this, but from the website I have like a, a pretty big Ireland following. I, I don’t know how it, yeah, yeah. I guess they’re big Bravo people over there. We do. So


We do.


So they send these videos and then one of the videos, all of the ladies, the newbies, everybody was in it except Melissa listen, she could have been in the bathroom. Well, she could have whatever been hung over from LA, whatever it is. But it does seem that she is the odd person out sources are saying Dolores and Jen will be bride me, bride mades. I, I get that. They’re trying to make this a controversy because to be honest, I am hearing, it’s not as exciting this season. Mm-Hmm <affirmative> yeah. It’s not as exciting because nobody’s going for Theresa and whatever. We’ll we’ll see how it plays out. What is a 50 year old need all these bridesmaid for me it’s so juvenile.


I, I totally agree. I mean, having bridesmaid in, in your second wedding, I guess Louis’s like six. Yeah. Home never times. Yeah. It’s just it’s too much. And I think you’re probably right. That they’re I think Theresa is kind of cringy with stuff like that. So she probably would’ve done it anyway, but I think they’re using this as some controversy for the show. Right. So I don’t know. I mean, I am also like trying to figure out the timing for all this because in my head I would think, okay, there’s wedding would normally be the kind of event that they would make as the finale of the show. Right. But her wedding is August 6th and don’t they usually film like into the winter. So I’m curious about how that’s all gonna work out and oh, do you think that they’re doing like a bachelorette party kind of thing? Cuz here we are. It’s July what? 22Nd today. Yeah. We know they’re in Ireland right now. The wedding is two weeks away. Do you think this is like also like a bachelorette thing?


Well, that’s what we saw her leaving dinner in that white dress. So yeah, I do, I think,


Oh right, right. Her


Bachelorette. And she can finally, you know, travel abroad. <Laugh> it’s such a. Oh my God. Yeah. I think so. Listen, I love Jersey because even, even when they’re not being shady, there’s such natural shade with all of these relationships that it’s always good. You don’t necessarily need a warrior video for Jersey to be good, although it helps.


Well, I’m curious to see what’s going on with Melissa, because I feel like even if in the past, even if there’s the, she hasn’t been in the center of controversy, she hasn’t ever been at the point where she has like she’s always had her buddies. And so if she’s really sitting by herself and is really getting isolated, I’m I’m curious about what happened.


She, I believe that the only picture I saw of her posted was with Marge. So I think that that’s and I’m, I don’t think she has an issue specifically with dolos, but Dolores has always been like a sideline friend for her and honestly on her personal Insta, you know, while they’re filming, we usually get them like the only people are like her real friends, like her other friends, her non Housewives friends. Those are the only people that she’s really posting. So we’re gonna see, I mean, I think we’re gonna see that, that something went down. I think her and Jackie made amends cause Jackie’s a very rational person. So even if she was upset about something, you know, she’s very forgiving and all that, but you know, it doesn’t mean the dynamic of their relationship. Hasn’t shifted, you know?


Well, especially if she’s closed with Teresa now too, I, I would imagine that’s a bit of a mind for Melissa. Right? So yesterday we had a little bit of website drama. You got an email from a billionaire yesterday.


Oh boy, did I get an email from a billionaire? So you know, I mean guys, here I am again. Well I’m, I’m actually never minding my own business. I’m always minding someone else’s business <laugh> but you know, I’m just out here, a former Peach’s daughter was hooking up with a billionaire boyfriend of an influencer to be transparent. I don’t really know much about influencers. I follow a couple of them that like, I don’t know. I don’t even know how I ended up following them and like, I like their clothes and sometimes I buy the they Hawk, but like, I don’t know about the influencer drama really, truly don’t get it good for them. I wish I could figure it out. I wish I was 22 and hot and could sell stuff. And just that be my job. But unfortunately I’m not. So here I am and I get this email.


Now the daughter, we all know this family, former peach, the mom has a lot of businesses that don’t actually seem to be businesses like such as a box subscription where most customers have not received a box. So I post this about the former Peach’s daughter, basically stealing the billionaire boyfriend from an influencer post it, I go about my day. And apparently there were a lot of comments, which I don’t write the comments. So I am not liable for them. I mean, I’m not responsible for people’s opinion, but the son right. Of a billionaire and his influencer girlfriend asked me to take the comments down. So this is funny. You guys are gonna appreciate this. So I write back to him and I’m like, sure, I’ll take back down the comments that mention you, but I’m gonna keep the postop. Amanda immediately calls me and she’s like B, we’re gonna take the post down. <Laugh> we don’t with billionaires. Okay, hon. I was like, all right. I’m like at a sushi lunch with my husband. And then he’s like, what did she just say? I’m like, I’m taking it


Down outta background. He’s like, he’s like billionaire, what? Billionaire? I’m like, I’m taking down,


I’m taking it down. He’s like, there’s a reason why you’re perfectly mumbling. Cause you’re you wanna keep this thing up and have them not hear it? I’m like, you’re right. I do. So I took it down.


Not that like anything and not that anything like scares us. We’re not scared of people. It’s just one of those things. It was like kind of an inconsequential, like piece of tea.


Also, Amanda, he is not a public figure. I mean, I don’t, I’ve never heard of the guy and to, and I would like to say this. He, he did not threaten me in any way. He was very polite in his email. He was like, listen, my name is in something it’s wrong. It’s not me. Could you please take my name down? And I was like, yeah, absolutely. And I just took the whole post down because the reality is whomever. The billionaire was, is not a reality star. So like right. You know, why am? And I always say, if you’re not a reality star, until you put yourself with your girlfriend, if listen, if he hops on a show with the Peach’s daughter, he’s he I’m going, I’m posted, I’m doing it. But he hasn’t. So I’m not. So that was that. Yeah. I see. And actually it wasn’t him, by the way, Amanda, I didn’t even tell you this part. So somebody like sent me the whole, but the, somebody sent me who the people were and it wasn’t this guy, by the way. So just clear that up. So it’s, it’s gone. It was funny. So basically there may be a thirsty peaches daughter who’s out here looking for a rich boyfriend who already has a girlfriend mm-hmm


<Affirmative> yeah. And especially too, if people are guessing really wrong and then it’s, it’s, it’s affecting somebody and we know then somebody confirms it to be a wrong guess. Then of course we would take it down because we don’t wanna, right. We don’t want innocent people getting, you know, and like I said, it was a very inconsequential piece of, of tea. Anyway. It just wasn’t, I don’t know. I didn’t find it to be that exciting because that family, I don’t think is all that exciting either.


All right, cocktails. Thank you so much for tuning in today. We appreciate you guys, Amanda. I think we were kind of all over the place again, but just so much happens in a week and you know, we record weekly <laugh> we are not filming anything. Thank God, because you should see me in my closet. Yes, I’m in my closet now, guys, I hope you appreciate this audio. It is a walk-in closet, but like it’s not as comfortable as my basement, which is big and airy. Anyway. <laugh> thank you for tuning in. There’s just so much to talk about it’s summer. People are out, people are about, and you better believe we’re gonna talk about it guys.


And guys. Yeah, I have to just add on, it really was one of those weeks where we got so much stuff coming from you guys. And so this is what we love to share is all of the stuff that like, yes, we could talk about what’s on TV and we will sometimes, but we wanna share the stuff that you know that we’re getting, cuz it’s all really kind of juicy and interesting stuff. So please keep it coming. Thank you guys so much for listening. We will talk to you guys next week. Bye guys.

Speaker 4

Thank you guys so much for listening. Just wanna ask you guys a favor, just getting kicked off. So many people have been asking us to do this podcast. So please do subscribe. And if you subscribed go to your podcast app and hit those three little dots to share with your friends, but only friends who like good tea, because the ones who don’t care about tea, then like forget them. And don’t forget. Find us on Instagram at Bravo and cocktails underscore and check out the website because some great tea gets put there daily that would get us kicked off of Instagram. <Laugh> so thanks for listening everybody. Bye guys. See you next time.