Rumor has it Joe didn’t go to Teresa and Louie’s housewarming last night . The night before all the men went out. Louie and Joe had a big blowout. Joe decided not to go to the party!!! Allegedly.
by Amanda | Jun 17, 2022 | Too Hot for IG | 10 comments
This upcoming season will be goodt!
He’s such a crybaby
Teresa has sh*t all over her brother for years, it’s about time he stands up for himself & his family. Luis is a joke
Missed out on the 50,000 sq ft house ?
Joe is such a little bitch girl. Always huffing off lmao
The way Melissa & Joe have been trashing Teresa on Melissa’s podcast, I’m surprised they are invited to anything
Ok Karen. Can you blame them? They’ve covered for her crazy self far too long. Tre gets what she deserves in this scenario.
Is it 50,000 sq ft or 15,000???
It’s baffling how many people call Joe a b*tch boy but he’s never been to prison and left his kids behind. Let’s get real people. Tre and her ex-husband BOTH went to jail and all of a sudden Tre is Mother Teresa. Meanwhile, Joe has to take care of his parents and I am sure Teresa being in jail put a ton of stress on their parents which didn’t help her mother’s already declining health.
When we going to talk about joe Lodi his parents house?