Spill It to BravoandCocktails.com: Tea on one of the RHOD ladies S**** She is a divorcee with a son from her previous marriage. She does motivational speaking and does work with marketing. She was previously wearing a hijab until she met M Mc the guy from 3 on Netflix and started dating him! They were dating on the low for almost a year or so. She completely changed her style for him and took off her hijab! It was so obvious even though they never made it official. Really scandalous. Then they parted ways.
Scandalous of a Muslim woman to do when she’s not engaged or married. (I’m Muslim too) she was traveling all over with him on the DL and the social media stalkers would catch them.
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Who cares. Women are allowed to be free regardless of religion.
Yeah wooooooo! This comment. Women should be able to do whatever they want with their own bodies.
Understand the comment and agree, but I think it is unfair to assume oppression. Plenty of women see the hijab very differently and not as a symbol of oppression. This HW clearly had the freedom to choose, which she’s done. Good for her regardless.
So you don’t share interesting tea, and take down interesting tea. But you share $h!t like this? That’s downright pathetic of you! Let the woman live how she wants and do what she pleases with her own body without shaming her for her choices and regardless of her religion! SHAME ON YOU!
Hi, Muslim woman here. You have NO RIGHT to shame another woman, Muslim or not. Be supportive, live your life and let her live hers. This is not tea or gossip, you’re simply trying to be a mean girl.