she actually is a straight up mess. Or was. I do believe she’s sober now BUT when she wasn’t she was doing massive amounts of blow and was at a hotel with a couple friends in la and ran into two of my gay guy friends she did not know. She was begging them for and then forced herself on my very gay friend. She told him she loved having sex with gay men. Hand to god on my family this legit happened. She is tall and wouldn’t give up and pushed him into a bathroom and was trying to remove his clothing. My other friend Had to pull her off. I will never forget when and where I was when they were telling me, when I worked at the hotel eating dinner at that’s how jarring the story was. I remember where I was and this was 6 years ago! Also in regards to the not paying – not surprised. She was sloppy when they were kicking her out so she started taking their alcohol and they wanted to get rid of her so bad They just let her take about 500 in alcohol to leave their room. Head blown every time I think about it.

He actually had pictures of her with the alcohol no shoes on makeup like all over her face and running out of the room. Madness. 

black background with the word allegedly written in cursive

allegedly from