This former housewife (A) used to be embarrassed of her friendship with this housewife (B). She even told people it was because B wasn’t a good look for her brand. Well that changed with B’s new man. He’s loaded and and can help her and her (newish) husband. Allegedly.
by Amanda | Dec 6, 2021 | Too Hot for IG | 14 comments
A= Dina Laurita Manzo
B=Teresa Guidice
Louie isn’t loaded though is he?
Noooo I feel like they have been friends through it all… Most people would be embarrassed but I feel like A was by B’s side through her whole debacle. Idk…
I’m not sure who it is, but Dina and Teresa don’t resonate with me.
Cynthia and porsha??
Kelly and someone
Could B be Megan King?
A- Cynthia
B- Porsha
Kelly and Meghan?
Bethany and Dorinda
Kim and Porsha
“who said that” and “who gon check me boo”
But Sheree isn’t married so she wouldn’t have a newish husband
Cynthia and Porsha