She’s relieved the show she was on isn’t coming back. She wouldn’t have been able to anyway because the skeletons were spilling out of her closet. Her husband hasn’t stopped his side activities and neither has she… allegedly.
Nothing to cheer about…
by Amanda | Nov 15, 2021 | Too Hot for IG | 8 comments
Brandi Redmond and her husband?
Bradi Redmond obvi. But also like she has a bazillion kids so he may have a wandering eye I would imagine she does it to prove a point if she does at all. Cuz let’s be real. She could get way more quality than he can.
Definitely Brandi. But we need more of the RHOD tea!
Brandi for sure
Gotta be Brandi. Between the show not coming back, and the word cheer in the title…
Tiffany moon!
For sure Brandi! But maybe they have an open marriage and she just doesn’t want to talk about it?
Brandi- Dallas