I volunteer at Ottawa Bluesfest (music fest in Canada’s capital city, like our Washington, DC) and wanted to share that DJ James Kennedy performed tonight and couldn’t have been more professional.

He was the main act on a smaller stage than main stage (Motley Crue were on main stage) and he wasn’t a diva, showed up nearly an hour before stage time, left his trailer clean apparently & was totally sober from what I saw and what others on-site witnessed. He is one of the few performers to go right to the 11pm show end time (many end earlier like 30 min or more) and he spent at least 15 min going to the crowd to take selfies, hug them and pass our water bottles.

He also passed out a ton of alcohol (via two bottles he’d pour into the crowds’ mouth) during the show but he was clearly sober. I was really impressed with his attitude, work ethic and professionalism and so were many including those who’d never heard of him or even watch Bravo 🙂 no Ali or entourage with him aside from his photographer and I think his photographer’s girlfriend.

Anyway he’s clearly v dedicated to his work and I am now a DJ James fan – I respect him a lot more now.