And not only did Brittany file, but she is requesting full custody. WOW, that’s a big move and tells me that there’s a lot we don’t know yet. Because not only does that move make Jax look bad (and we know he cares more about his image than he does about his actual actions) but it’s going to make for a messy divorce!
by proseccoprincess | Aug 29, 2024 | Too Hot for IG | 9 comments
That doesn’t actually shock me – it seems like it’s a fairly standard tactic with some divorce lawyers to have whoever files first to request full custody.
Uhh…ya! He was literally just in rehab! No woman would give their child willingly to someone who left rehab early-and probably didn’t learn anything in the process.
Did she serve him at the bar!?
plus he was on rehab for mental and substance issues
That’s sad, statistics show it’s very unhealthy for the child to be in a long messy divorce and custody battle, the child a lot of times will resent the parent that is granted full custody if the other parent is fighting for partial custody. My husband is one of those kids and had a lot of issues in early adulthood because of it. I hope she is doing what is best for Cruz and not using a tactic to make Cruz’ father look bad. Jax makes himself look bad all by himself. Parent alienation is a real thing and almost always causes issues for the child when they grow up.
I agree it doesn’t surprise me. I think he will come after her and be messy. He will likely bring up her drinking. I am thinking he is going to make her miserable because she finally filed
I’m actually really surprised at the custody request. That makes me worried that there’s much more we’ve never seen. What we’ve seen is pretty bad so…
If I were Brittany I wouldn’t want jax having half physical custody either. She has been trying to pull him up mentally and psychologically for years. Without her, I’d be afraid of how much worse he’ll become on his own. If he was already THIS bad with having everything he has always wanted, imagine how dangerous he’s going to be once he doesn’t have what he wants.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Jax gives in to this request and agrees to visits. He strikes me as someone who wouldn’t want 50/50 custody.