About that Miami couple. You posted a video of him and his “fiance “ looking miserable together outside a restaurant. They literally argue all over Miami. She HATES being out w him. Everyone knows down here he just another sugar daddy but he can make some titties look tf good! 🤣 They’re constantly off and on!
Everyone knows !!*
by proseccoprincess | Aug 28, 2024 | Too Hot for IG | 4 comments
Ahhh this is satisfying wouldn’t be suprised if she walks if he makes her sign a prenup 😂
Lmao love this. I hope his mom finally is realizing her grandkids mother is in fact not satan and this materialistic sugar baby is not who she should want her son with. It just pissed me off so much how she was like “finally you’re with a good woman 😍”. The Lennys and Cathys of the world will always be miserable whether they’re together or with other benefactors/beneficiaries. All I can hope for is that he starts respecting the mother of his children and starts acting in a way that is more conducive to his children living stable, healthy lives.
The shiny new thing always loses its lustre quickly.
Perfect … the demise of this relationship is just in time for filming to start!