Give the Gift of Cocktail Party!!

Each month, our members get:

  • Ad-free podcast episodes
  • Early podcast access: You’ll get the podcast a day early!
  • Ad-free access to the regular blog
  • Exclusive content: Each week, you’ll get exclusive bonus mini-podcasts with tea you won’t get anywhere else – only our Cocktail Party members will see
  • Private Discord Community: Hang out with us! Let’s talk tea (and talk sh!t) on Discord where anyone in our community can post and we can all weigh in 
  • Immediate access to all of the previous exclusive content
  • Behind the scenes content: Want to see what Amanda and B text about? Want to hear about what we wanted to post but couldn’t? We’ll mention it all. 
  • Voting power: Vote on the topics we should take a deep dive into. Tell us what you really think about the latest episode of Housewives. 
  • Monthly Zoom call with B and Amanda: Sit down, have a drink and join us for a monthly Zoom – let’s drink and gossip together, two of our favorite things to do. 

*Note: Additional VAT will be added on top of this price for International members based on location